[006] Action/Voice/ReIntro - Forward Dated to December 5th

Dec 04, 2011 17:31

[Action; Around the village]

[Even in the sudden snap of cold weather, there is someone walking around the village not dressed to seasonal code. Not that she seems the least bit bothered. Her puella magi uniform works well enough in this situation. Right now she is simply walking, at a slow pace, around all parts of the village road. She stops very frequently and stares off into whatever catches her eyes. The trees, the buildings, the birds and so on. Maybe she might stare at you for a moment, if she happens to notice you. But she doesn't say anything and continues along, unless you happen to say something first.

Regardless she is simply walking and taking in the sights. ...Things seem familiar in an odd way, but she hasn't yet placed her finger on it. She should get her memory jogged soon enough with some help.

Eventually she'll make it to the plaza and immediately go into the item store. What will proceed to happen is an entire ransacking of the shop, as she looks for something very particular within. Something she has to find. Things will be thrown to the ground, or pushed aside to different areas as a result, but Homura will be oblivious to how much of a mess she is causing.

Fear not: she'll clean up once she finds what she is looking for and can be caught at either one of these times. As soon as she begins to clean up though, there will be something particular in her hair that was not there before: a red string ribbon, tied to the side of her hair.]


[Later, after finding a good spot near a shady tree to take a break, she'll fiddle around with the journal and click on the feed.]


[She'll just stare into the camera and then shut the feed off. ...Only to turn it on again a minute later.]

This place...is Luceti, isn't it? My memory is foggy, but things are looking more familiar by the minute. I know I left, but it looks like I'm back again.

Can someone tell me...has anything changed, since I was last here? With the Malnosso, the village, anything really. I'm positive I've been gone a while, but I know time isn't exactly linear in this village compared to our wor-- universes. [She almost says 'world', but for her the difference of a 'world' and a 'universe' has taken a sharp turn since going back home.] Any help would be appreciated. ...Or if anyone just wants to talk for a little bit, about anything really, that's fine too.

[Action; Night.]

[If someone happens to pass by the barracks, or is in the general vicinity at the time, they may notice a young girl behind the building. A purple glow seems to flicker every now and then, with dummies being carefully pierced. The girl is of course Homura, holding a large bow and making hand motions that would be attributed to someone firing arrows. Yet there are no signs of arrows by her at all.

That is, until she begins to aim again and a purple glow of energy is suddenly being pulled back by the string with her fingers. Needless to say, something is very different about Homura's capabilities from before. Not even the shield that was around her arm previously is able to be seen.]

~megaman volnutt, ~ami mizuno/sailor mercury, no more suffering, ~yui konagi, ~madoka kaname, !voice, ~kamijou touma, ~rydia of mist, !action, ~barnaby brooks jr

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