
Oct 02, 2004 13:37


Backstage Passes

VIP Room


What Decision Do I Make??

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Comments 11

x_sexkitten_x October 2 2004, 17:40:24 UTC

Backstage Passes

VIP Room

no coke.


chronicology420 October 3 2004, 12:15:59 UTC
i dunno about that


x_sexkitten_x October 4 2004, 01:08:04 UTC
then just scratch it all together. it's not worth it. you're better than that. you're always saying how people need to grow up and be more mature and how drugs have fucked up your life, there's no point in going back on it just for a concert. you dont need that. you need to get out and make a living for yourself, not be stuck in a slump doing drugs.


chronicology420 October 4 2004, 13:47:18 UTC
i do both, and im not in a slump. im having the best time of my life


parisinflammes October 3 2004, 16:48:51 UTC
dont do it. your telling me to be mature, then you do the same thing. you dont need it, YOU DO NOT ABSOLUTLEY NEED IT. you were doing good with the whole not doing drugs thing. what happened?

be strong love, theres ppl here for you.


chronicology420 October 3 2004, 19:16:22 UTC
thank you very much. it means more coming from you.

i havent seen you in years, i miss you


sanbunysmithers October 20 2004, 17:01:25 UTC
fuck everyone, do coke, fuck it, sooner or later we all die, why not do whatever the hell u want! yay thats odd comming from me, but u know what whatever, fuck it u know, do whatever the hell u want, dont ask ppl what u should do, because its not u thinking for yourself, and if ur not absolutly positive u want to do it, then dont do it, but it u are positive u want to do it then do it. And as for ur life turning to shit, u can be the biggest druggy on whatever the fuck u want, and still have an ok life, as long as ur not fuckin stupid, and oliver, i know ur not stupid, and u wont let ur life turn to shit. all these ppl who think, drugs r addictive and u cant quite, and blah blah blah, shut the fuck up, ur obviouslyy mentally weak if u cant quit anything that u do. (in a mood of revolt agianst everyone else, dont listen to other ppl, listen to urself) u know what to do, its u, no one knows u, like u know urself. I'm not telling u to do coke, i wouldnt, if it was me, but if coke is for u then do it, who is to say whats right and wrong ( ... )


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