Hey now, I wonder if anyone else caught this little ploy by Sony as a viral marketing campaign to "get hip wit it" and make everyone want their products. This is really sad, for them to make a fake blog site just to encourage people to buy their products.... www.alliwantforxmasisapsp.com - Broken link
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I must say, next time I put up my schedule of activities dealing with school, maybe I should double-check everything first. I arrived at the school at around 8:45 wondering why there was no lineup outside the gym (typical of most exams done in there) and after dropping of my jacket, headed in. I was told to go to some room in some other building (
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It's finally here, folks. Just 2 more classes (English and my last photo lab) and then I'm done all my school, except for a couple exams. I'm not worried though
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- ISO 50, 100, 800 or EI 3200 film (Black and White only) - Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Mark of the Millenium 2001 edition - A developing kit (Tank, Auto reels, Can opener, Changing bag) (I can get my own chemicals)- A DeviantArt subscription
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I downloaded the whole series of Makai Senki Disgaea, all 12 episodes. Too bad they're subbed in french. Oh well, this might be a good thing. It'll definitely help me out in my frenchdom, which has been lacklustre these past few months. Perhaps I shouldn't have dropped french... of course I would've had to deal with 3 hours of crud at 8:30 on what
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Don't you ever wonder where "it" all went. Like that feeling you might've had last week when someone pulled a random act of kindness or that thought you might've had during your first kiss or that time you forgot a whole night and woke up with the worst hangover ever
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