This is a long past due entry. I really don't mean to neglect this journal. Actually, I come up with new things to post about on a daily basis. It's just that when I finally get it, the fear of solidifying my self-realizations in text is somewhat daunting. So, I've been putting everything off for a while but I think there have been enough significant changes in my life that I owe it to myself to record and reflect upon everything.
I turned 23. My LJ missed my birthday. I think I meant to post something about that but procrastination has really kicked my ass this past year. Also, I suppose it wasn't all that special. Birthdays pretty much lost meaning after turning 20 (21 wasn't memorable either). Another year older just means less time to accomplish what I want in life - which I've yet to really figure out.
Academically, 2007 was another bust in my opinion. No real progress and the same old bad habits plagued me. However, I somehow BS'd my way through a VCU application well enough to get an acceptance. Classes start next week! I found out I got in 2 days ago! I have to get myself and my shit down there! I'm really looking forward to this, since I almost settled on the idea that school may not be for me. I'm hoping to prove myself wrong and I'm excited about getting a change of scenery. I expect to do well there, which brings me to...
the 2008 Resolutions
Dean's list and nothing less. I've yet to register for my classes (not my fault, short notice from the admissions council!... which is my fault). I'm thinking about doing only 12-15 credits to ease myself back into having study habits, but I may just dive in.
$30k in poker winnings. This is something that I'm very serious about and won't elaborate on much here. It has nothing to do with gambling. It has everything to do with hard work. Anyone that can't understand that is ignorant about the game and the profession. I was ready to give it up for good, making my trip to Vegas over Christmas with the fam my last sessions. I told myself 'if I can't make it this week, then I'm folding forever.' I pulled a 100% return from maybe only 25 hours or so of play. So I'm back in it. This, however will be my last shot. If I fall short, I'm done. If I make it, 2009's goal would be an amount that no one here would ever believe in.
stop getting fat because I can roll my belly over my jeans and make my belt disappear. That's gross. Currently I have over 17% body fat. I'd like to bring that down to at most 13% and maybe for one time in my life have a six pack. Flag football spring season is coming up and the first practice/scrim had my body crying out for mercy. That's the spirit.
All that on my plate should be more than enough to handle, but I'd also like to incorporate something else to improve my lifestyle. Reading an hour everyday or something along those lines so my brain doesn't rot. Getting back into web design is something that I've been wanting to do for years. Hopefully something happens this year.
ode to 2007?
I lost a love
loved lots more
fought with friends
and remain unsure.
I dealt with loss
found things there
moved on, back straight
and a forward stare.