(title from bastille's song because i am an uncreative individual)
'accept the fact that you will grow apart from people you've had significant relationships with. understand when someone no longer positively affects your life. let them go. don't hinder your growth.' -lyjerria ( under the cut. )
prompt 1: write a lipogram (i.e. a poem that does not use a particular letter of the alphabet. prompt 2: write a poem that challenges a rule, a law, a habit, a form, a subject, a theme, a mindset: or as many of these as you can.
prompt 1: write a poem addressed to your younger self, without using the word "I". prompt 2: write a poem in which each stanza fits within a tweet (i.e. max 140 characters). power bonus: combine the two prompts.
prompt: write a poem that responds to the given image. bonus 1: include a title that serves to caption the image. bonus 2: incorporate some words from a different language.
okay so SingPoWriMo is Singapore Poetry Writing Month, where you write a poem a day in response to the prompts given by the mods. (do join if you can!! but there are like 900+ people now lmao)
prompt: write a poem featuring the year 2065
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