I never saw the episode with the super-soldier guy (Damon? They were just name-checking a Damian on LA, so I might be confused). In that case, I was a little slow to pick up on the details, like who he was, what happened, why Gibbs in particular is so attached to him....this episode might have been better for me if I hadn't been behind on all that.
Then again.....Joe Spano! I'm always happy to see Fornell come back and resume his relationship of grumpy old marrieds with Gibbs. Between Fornell telling Gibbs that it's not like he's going steady with maybe-Damon, to Gibbs snapping that he's not worried about Fornell driving his car since, after all, he already slept with his wife....those two are just gold. More of that and less of Rena Sofer's character, please. (I've decided I'm never actually going to refer to the character by her name, because that might be misconstrued as giving a crap).
I LOVED the ongoing joke of McGee not being able to get enough sleep. When he closed his eyes in the car "for a second", and then woke up to find Gibbs, Fornell, and maybe-Damon all sitting there staring at him? HA! Then, naturally, he overloaded on coffee and sugar and Tony stared at him like he was speaking a foreign language. I like it when my show is fun. It almost makes me forget that Vance didn't show up to judge people.
Almost, of course.
I was just thinking last week that I wished Renko would come back. I know he was only around for one episode, but I liked him - as I do with most characters on this show, admittedly. And this week, like they knew what I was thinking - there he was!
Callen: The LAPD? They still speak to you after the thing....with the cops?
Sam: And the horse.
Renko: Now, that wasn't exactly illegal -
Callen: - just disturbing.
I LOVE IT. I love that (a) there is always a quip to be made about how Renko is a rock star with the ladies, and (b) there is always a different "incident" that is alluded to without explanation. THIS is why I want Mike Renko to come hang out more often.
As far as the more serious aspects of the episode.....okay, so I was *pretty* certain that Kensi wasn't really shot. For one thing, would they really injure - if not kill - one of their main characters right after Dom has gone missing? And the only female agent, to boot? I seriously doubted it. So I figured it had to be a setup. But I've been wrong before, so this was essentially my thought process:
"Wait, is she really shot? I'm sure she's not. She's got to be wearing a vest. They wouldn't actually hurt - wait, is that Devon Sawa? I swear that's Devon Sawa. Okay, she's shot, but I don't see any blood, so - oh, wait, there's blood. Is it real? And is that really Devon Sawa?"
Needless to say, I was a little distracted. You guys! Devon Sawa! You don't even KNOW the crush I had on him when I was a wee adolescent. Casper, Now and Then.....come on, I know some of you out there feel me on this. So maybe he's not adorable like he was when he was 13 or whatever, but I wouldn't throw him out of bed. Devon Sawa! Yay!
Unrelated - but Hetty and Nate's scene with the rifle? WIN. TIMES TEN. Besides the fact that Nate is terrified of Hetty having a weapon of any kind, he was obviously DYING to point out that said rifle was almost bigger than her. "I have to ask, the recoil -" "It's a bitch." HEEE!