I've developed a short-sweet practice that I can do most days. There is no need to commit to a huge 90 or 120 minute practice daily. I'm usually good to go after a few Surya Namaskars and some inversions - takes like 15 minutes. at least that's my advice on consistent practice - make it easy. :)
I totally jive. At one point during the development of my sudarshan kriya practice, I asked the instructor again about some counts. Somehow, I'd changed the counts in my practice to 15, 20, 25 but originally they had been 20, 40, 40 when we were learning them. I tried to switch back to 20, 40, 40, and found that it was too hard and I didn't find the motivation/discipline to do it regularly. From that I learned that 15, 20, 25 should be my practice because it's easier and therefore I'll do it. Sometimes in the moment I extend the counts, but I still get to say, "I did my practice today" even if it's only 15, 20, 25.
I was just thinking of you the other day and wondering how you are doing. Are you still updating another site more often than this? (And if so, where the hell is it?? I can't ever seem to find/remember where it is.)
When you start offering those "Yoga for the Woo disabled" classes, I would so want to teleport to them because that would be awesome. I'm not entirely woo disabled obviously but yoga woo is foreign woo to me and therefore seems more like woo than my normal woo-y-ness.
I'm on twitter(incognico), but I've stopped updating any other sites. Though, I might start again. donno. C is 4 and I'm taking this year off to spend with her, before kindergarten starts next year. I think 4 year olds are my favorites
( ... )
on the topic of yoga and science, my friend Steve (fineline179) has done some reading, thinking, and writing on it.
I can understand the inclination *not* to demystify yoga, but I don't think that scientific inquiry necessarily needs to. But then I am theist and believe in the paranormal. But in much the same way as Dr. Francis Collins (director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institute of Health) can simultaneously believe in evolution and creationism (as I do), so too I think it's possible to understand scientifically *and* experience mystically the benefits of yoga.
Comments 6
I hope your retreat gives you what you need. Good luck.
I've developed a short-sweet practice that I can do most days. There is no need to commit to a huge 90 or 120 minute practice daily. I'm usually good to go after a few Surya Namaskars and some inversions - takes like 15 minutes. at least that's my advice on consistent practice - make it easy. :)
When you start offering those "Yoga for the Woo disabled" classes, I would so want to teleport to them because that would be awesome. I'm not entirely woo disabled obviously but yoga woo is foreign woo to me and therefore seems more like woo than my normal woo-y-ness.
I can understand the inclination *not* to demystify yoga, but I don't think that scientific inquiry necessarily needs to. But then I am theist and believe in the paranormal. But in much the same way as Dr. Francis Collins (director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institute of Health) can simultaneously believe in evolution and creationism (as I do), so too I think it's possible to understand scientifically *and* experience mystically the benefits of yoga.
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