I've been working quite a few late shift these past few weeks and it has dawn to me that I have a pigeon that is quite desperate for some lovin. He 'hoots' every morning at 7:00 and randomly hoots after that until noon. It is rather annoying that he hasn't been laid yet cause I don't sleep well when i work late shift. By the look of it though in
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Comments 2
see yah in 7 weeks!
p.s. house rocks!
I've managed to always do it once a week, but i don't think its enough. I haven't tried hatha yoga though so when i get back, and then we can go chill at your place and perhaps have a different type of smoke enlightment, tat is if it is available, and at least 2 bottles of beer, cause i miss my keiths...while watching House.. sounds good?? haha miss ya lots! =^^^
c u in 7 weeks
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