Title: Dean + Pie
Molly RenFandom & Characters: SPN, Dean, Sam, pie.
Rating & Warning: PG-13
Disclaimer: Owns nobody.
Author's Note: Believe it or not, I wrote this *before* I saw My Bloody Valentine.
“Dude. Did you eat the whole pie?”
Dean smirked from the bed. He was wearing sweats and a t-shirt that was starting to pull tight across his round belly, and Sam was positive it looked bigger than it had when he’d gone for a run an hour ago.
Sam poked the empty pie plate on the night stand with a look of disgust. “Why did you do this?”
“Because it was there.”
“This was like, what? Two pints of corn syrup?”
Dean tossed a pillow at him. “Any progress on finding our monster?”
“I got something, yeah.” Sam, infuriatingly, kept the pillow instead of throwing it back, forcing Dean to get up and lumber after him to look at his laptop.
“I think it’s a loup-garou.” Sam angled the screen so his brother could see the scanned images of various scantily clad women straddling sleeping men and sucking up their energies. Dean raised an appreciative eyebrow.
“So what their MO?”
“As far as I can tell, the local lore has them feeding off certain strong emotions. Lust, anger, greed...” Dean belched. “Gluttony.”
Dean narrowed his eyes. “Sam--”
“No, no, I’m serious. See--” he called up the newspaper articles from the last three victims. “It fits with what we’ve seen so far. The loup-garou makes a habit of latching on to a particular person, then enhancing their emotions so they can feed on them. The first vic, Robert Cunningham? Died of alcohol poisoning in his own wine cellar--sheer greed. And the engaged couple that was found naked, that they originally thought died of heat exhaustion? The autopsy said they found evidence of multiple ejaculations--”
“They died by... fucking?” Dean’s eyes went wide with the possibilities.
"Basically, yeah." Sam looked over at his brother’s dreamy expression and punched him in the shoulder. “Dean. Focus.”
Dean jumped. “Still, as much fun as this is, how did they all meet this loopy thing? This is still a big town.”
“They all went to the same bar. Remember the takeout bags we saw, and the receipt I found? The Markus couple went there to celebrate their engagement, Cunningham was a regular, and so was Johnson.”
Dean was clicking through the images on the laptop. “Guess a bar’s a one-stop shop for a monster like this--you got your drunk people, your horny people, and your angry people all in one place. All right--” he snagged the pillow back from Sam. “I’m going back to bed.”
Dean patted his stomach and winked. “I have to sleep this off if I’m going to be bait tonight.”