a little lengthy.
Last Thursday:
Airport - New terminal was rather snazzy. Starbucks took a *whole* 2 minutes to find, & boy was I PISSED(don't go hiding my java nono).
Fred Durst - working at the Lids store... Yea it had to be him. Anyone know what he's been up to these days? Anyone? Anyone?
Thursday night:
It's a blur. A few extra trips to the airport, plus a street-type fair in San Luis (city of Cal Poly). Good pizza, somewhere.
15 year olds with breast implants. If only I was a pedophile, I wouldn't feel so hollow(makes me puke in my mouth a little bit)
Then the drinking came. It was biblical.
Tux fitting - My gangly arms strike again!
Wow, B-6 helps the hangover. you know what that means...
rehearsal dinner -> open bar -> B-6 => Smashed.
California beach party at 11pm. Someone telling me sand in the vagina really is a bad thing.
Wedding breakfast - Mimosas and Bloody Marys. AND a bathroom where you pee into a waterfall. What a Rush!
Wedding - Cliffside. Good time. The gal I walked down the aisle tripped and nearly fell in front of 200 people. Woulda been sweet.
Saturday night - Had to talk into the camera, while hammered, giving the young couple my support... They got it, I think.
Later Saturday - Went to bed earlier then expected. The best man put random objects in my bed to confuse me. He was hoping
Jack would pass out too so they could toss him in the mix. But the cigarettes and water-leaking iron confused me enough.
building up a tolerance to B-6? Oophda.
3 hour layover in San Fran -> got a standby ticket on a new flight -> new flight promptly canceled.
Taxi home, guy gets lost (DOWNTOWN!)
Monday: uneventful? what the hell did I do? Oh, MNF.
Tuesday: MVP in Volleyball. I rule!
right now: listening to Albert King and Stevie Ray. really loud & loving it.
Thinking about Grad School at UT(tehas). Turns out quite of my friends from high school are there.