The countdown begins...

Apr 30, 2008 13:57

Anyways - another day, another Doctor's appointment - I'm currently at 41 weeks. Same old same old on the non-stress test graphs. My cervix is still not as far forward as it should get, although it's softer, and the baby has moved down a bit more. And my amniotic sac is bulging at the bottom, and one of the 3 layers has ruptured, so if the baby's head just puts a little more pressure on it, it could break anytime, which means I call the Birthing Center and go in.

And I had my membranes swept again today - nothing rocking my world contraction-wise yet, though.

Barring my water breaking/labor starting in the next few days then, I have a Monday 5 p.m. appointment to call the Birthing Center to get a bed ready. And get some prostaglandin gel and a sedative for the night, and Pictocin and an AROM in the morning.

SO - by this time next week (hopefully) - I'll be a Mom. Officially.

The end IS in sight!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to drink my daily allotment of water, get some work done, and definitely take a long walk tonight (and see if I can't do some jumping jacks and break that amniotic sac - maybe). :)


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