And no, its not a spoiler - It's from book one :P. I just really like that quote. So far I haven't heard any spoilers, although I've been fed lots of extreamly plausable sounding predictions from my brother.
Now I will reminnd all of you that I am extreamly clever so these might as well be spoilers you are reading. So look away unless you want to spoil your entire reading experience! Dr Fitzenstein eat your heart out!
Voldemort: Deader than the Latin language. If he isn't dead and completely dead forever by the end of the thing I'd be very surprised.
Ollivander: Has a poster of Voldemort looking buff above his bed. Total darkfriend. Or whatever. That "He who must not be named did great things.." comment in his shop in book one is too big a giveaway.
Snape: Dies. There is obviously some genuine evil here, but there will some underlying redeaming factor that will make what he did understandable. Unlike Sirius Black, Snape has been in the book since day one and hating him is a habit, he can't turn goodie after all the nasty stuff he has done to Harry without it seaming unbearably sappy. More significantly, just after it is discovered he is a goodie he will die in a horribly nasty way. Maybe sacrificing himself for our protagonist.
Dumbledore: Dispite that he is dead, and, in my opinion, dead beyond any hope of resurrection, Dumbledore will have a massive influence on Voldemort's undoing. He is too clever a goodie to not have forseen his potential death and planned a failsafe. Somehow Voldemort's arrogance will be outdone by Dumbledore's cleverness from beyond the grave.
Harry: Lives. Gets the girl. I'd say he is going to get his butt whalloped at least once or twice.
Ron and Hermione: Ooo spelt right on the first time! Yeah, both either die once they have got together or live and end up together.
Plot: I don't really know how it is going to end, but I really hope it's not going to do anything like the end of book 4. It was like "Oh no! Harry is a goner! But wait, some totaly amazing and unpredicatble event come out of nowhere to save him. Phew that was lucky!" I doubt anything like that will happen. No doubt Dumbledore will do something unbelievably clever to save the day.
Ok Vanessa is here distracting me right now, so I will go and spend some time with her. Candy smsed to say she is meeting us in there tomorrow morning to get the book at 8. Pretty exciting. Gnite.
Current food: I had two excellent corned beef sandwiches for lunch - done properly though with the meat heated up before I made them. Top stuff.