You DISAGREED with the Barack Obama position on 37 of the 48 test questions. This means you disagree with the Obama position 77% of the time.
I hope this will help you make an informed decision on Election Day!
To see where you agreed or disagreed with Barack Obama on each question, and also where the rest of America stands on each question, click below.
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Your answers and the Obama position:
1. Presently, 80% of American energy comes from fossil fuels while 7% comes from alternative energy sources. Do you support or oppose increasing taxes on fossil fuels in an effort to force our nation to increase its reliance on alternative or renewable energy sources and reducing environmental pollution- even if doing so would mean the taxes are eventually passed on to the consumer?
All Americans
Obama Position - Support tax increase on fossil fuels 35.5%
Oppose tax increase on fossil fuels 60.9%
NS 3.7%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Oppose tax increase on fossil fuels
2. Proponents of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska point out that drilling could cover an area that covers 2,000 of the total 19 million acres that make up ANWR. Should the U.S. begin drilling in ANWR even if we won't realize the potential benefit for several more years?
All Americans
Yes 54.1%
Obama Position - No 36.3%
NS 9.6%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
3. "How do you feel about increased drilling for oil and natural gas offshore in U.S. waters? Do you strongly favor, mildly favor, mildly oppose or strongly oppose increased offshore drilling?"
All Americans
Favor 73%
Obama Position - Oppose 27%
(Source: CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. June 26-29, 2008. N=1,026 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.)
You selected:
4. Some say Barack Obama's plans to implement sweeping environmental regulations will raise the cost of gas, groceries, heating and air conditioning. Do you favor or oppose Obama's environmental plans?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
Obama Position - Favor 32.5% 31.3% 34.8%
Oppose 49.1% 51.5 43.4
NS 18.4% 17.2% 21.8%/td>
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
5. The US currently adds a tariff of 54 cents on each gallon of imported ethanol from countries like Brazil in an effort to protect American companies producing ethanol from corn. The tariff is passed on to the consumer in the form of higher fuel prices. Should this tariff on imported ethanol...
All Americans
Obama Position - Continue 30.1%
Be eliminated 61.9%
NS 8.0%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Be eliminated
6. There are 104 nuclear reactors in the US today that produce 20% of America's energy needs and no accident has occurred at these reactors in 30 years. Other nations, such as France, are far more reliant on nuclear power, as 77% of that nation's electricity comes from nuclear sources. How much of America's energy needs would you like to see nuclear reactors meet?
All Americans
Generate 2% 5.2%
Generate 10% 5.3%
Generate 20% 12.0%
Generate as much energy as possible from nuclear power 58.6%
Obama Position - No power from nuclear reactors 12.8%
NS 6.2%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
No power from nuclear reactors
1. Do you favor or oppose an increase in the tax that stock holders pay on returns from 15% to nearly 40%?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
Obama Position - Favor 25.6% 22.6% 34%
Oppose 65.9% 58.5% 68.6
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
2. Do you favor or oppose increasing the death tax rate to 55% for any income past the first $1million.
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
Obama Position - Favor 37% 36% 39.6%
Oppose 52.6% 55.4% 46%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
3. Do you favor or oppose raising the top tax rate on the self-employed from 37.9% to 54.9%?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
Obama Position - Favor 10.5% 7.4% 18.6%
Oppose 84.5% 88.6% 74.3%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
4. America's 3.7 million Sub Chapter S corporations, which are small companies with less than 75 stock holders, are currently taxed at a rate of 35%. Do you favor or oppose increasing the tax rate on these businesses to 50.3%?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
Obama Position - Favor 8.7% 7.9% 10.8%
Oppose 85.4% 87.4% 80.8%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
5. How much should Americans who earn $1 million per year pay in federal income taxes?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
35% or less 51.7% 50.1% 52.3%
Obama Position - More than 35% 33.2% 33.1% 33.4%
NS 15.1% 14.7% 16.3%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
More than 35%
6. How much should someone who wins $1 million dollars in the lottery pay in federal income?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
35% or less 67.5% 66.3% 70.4%
Obama Position - More than 35% 22% 23.7% 16.9%
NS 10% 10% 12.6%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
35% or less
7. Tell me which of the following top individual tax rates, which combine income and social security, do you think is most fair?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
28% under President Reagan 48.5% 51.2% 32.8%
38% under President Clinton 27.7% 24.4% 36.1%
Obama Position - 55% under would-be President Obama 12.1% 10.3% 16.5%
60% under President Hoover .9% 1.0% .7%
70% under President Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter 2.6% 2.1% 4.1%
NS 10.9% 11% 9.9%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
38% under President Clinton
8. According to the Tax Policy Center, Barack Obama’s tax plans would cost the U.S federal government nearly $900 billion in his first term, and increase the national debt by $3.3 trillion over ten years. Do you believe the analysis that Obama’s plans will be too costly for the U.S., or do you think the changes are needed?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
Obama's plans are too costly 50.8% 54.3% 41.5%
Obama Position - Obama's plans are needed 35.8% 33.1% 42.6%
NS 13.4% 12.5% 15.8%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Obama's plans are too costly
9. Some say Obama's proposed increase in deductions for taxpayers would increase the number of those who don’t pay taxes closer to 40%. Do you agree or disagree with Obama's proposed increase in deductions?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
Obama Position - Agree 33.3% 48.5%
Disagree 47.3% 50.9% 37.9%
NS 15.2% 15.8% 13.6%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
10. If Barack Obama is elected president and follows through on his plan to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy, what do you think businesses will most likely do?
All Americans
Obama Position - Pay the increase in taxes out of their profits 5.1%
Increase prices of goods 55.5%
Lay off employees 19.9%
Reduce employee pay 3.3%
Absorb the extra cost 8.1%
(Zogby America Poll conducted 09/11-13/08 of 1,008 likely voters. Margin of error +/- 3.1)
You selected:
Pay the increase in taxes out of their profits
11. Do you think that Barack Obama's plan to increase taxes on businesses and the wealthy will make you better off or worse off?
All Americans
Obama Position - Better off 35.7%
Worse off 51.8%
(Zogby America Poll conducted 09/11-13/08 of 1,008 likely voters. Margin of error +/- 3.1)
You selected:
Better off
Felon Voting
1. Do you agree or disagree that laws prohibiting convicted felons and non-US citizens from voting should be more vigorously enforced?
All Americans
Agree 70.1%
Obama Position - Disagree 21%
(Zogby Interactive Post Election Poll conducted 11/3-16/2004 of 36,581 voters. Margin of error + 0.5)
You selected:
Second Amendment
1. Do you agree or disagree that American firearm manufacturers who sell a legal product that is not defective should be sued if a criminal uses their products in a crime?
All Americans
Obama Position - Agree 13.9%
Disagree 76.2%
NS 3.4%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
2. Currently, 36 states have laws that allow residents to qualify for a permit to carry a firearm if they pass a background check, if they take a firearms safety-training course, and if they pay a fee to cover administrative costs. Do you support or oppose such laws?
All Americans
Support 77.6%
Obama Position - Oppose 14.8%
(Zogby Interactive Post Election Poll conducted 11/3-16/2004 of 36,581 voters. Margin of error + 0.5)
You selected:
3. Please consider the two statements below and choose which one agree with:
A. There needs to be new and tougher gun control laws to help in the fight against gun crime.
B. There are enough laws on the books, what is needed is better enforcement of current gun control laws.
All Americans
Obama Position - Statement A 35.1%
Statement B 60%
(Zogby Interactive Post Election Poll conducted 11/3-16/2004 of 36,581 voters. Margin of error + 0.5)
You selected:
Statement B
4. Would you favor or oppose a law that banned the sale of handguns?
All Americans
Obama Position - Favor 36%
Oppose 59%
Unsure 5%
(Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Abt SRBI. April 23-27, 2008. N=1,502 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.)
You selected:
5. Do you support or oppose legislation to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting?
All Americans
Obama Position - Agree 9.4%
Disagree 77.1%
You selected:
6. Do you agree or disagree that you have the right to use deadly force as a means of self-defense in your home, without having to retreat?
All Americans
Agree 87.7%
Obama Position - Disagree 7.9%
You selected:
7. While in the Illinois State Senate, Barack Obama supported increasing taxes on firearms and ammunition by 500 percent. Do you agree or disagree with such a tax increase?
All Americans
Obama Position - Agree 39.8%
Disagree 54.2%
(Zogby America Poll conducted 09/11-13/08 of 1,008 likely voters. Margin of error +/- 3.1)
You selected:
1. Some people think the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses. Others think that government should do more to solve our country's problems. Which comes closer to your own view?
All Americans
Government doing too much 49%
Obama Position - Government should do more 43%
No Opinion 8%
(Gallup Poll conducted September 14-16, 2007)
You selected:
Government doing too much.
1. Should someone who is not a U.S. citizen, being held under suspicion of terrorism, be afforded Constitutional rights?
All Americans
Obama Position - Yes 30.1%
No 64.0%
NS 5.7%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1,005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
2. Should the U.S. negotiate with Iran without preconditions?
All Americans
Obama Position - Yes 21.0%
No 62.5%
NS 16.5%
((Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
3. If American deaths in Iraq are greatly reduced and stability has returned to the Iraqi government, should American troops withdraw in 18 months, or should they withdraw gradually over a longer timeframe?
All Americans
Obama Position - Withdraw in 18 months 43.6%
Withdraw gradually over a longer timeframe 51.3%
NS 5.2%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Withdraw gradually over a longer timeframe
1. Some say Barack Obama’s plan to raise taxes and increase trade barriers are similar to those created by President Herbert Hoover in the 1930s, which contributed to worsening America’s economy. Do you think Obama’s plans will worsen the economy as well, or do you think they will help the economy?
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
Worsen the economy 49.8% 52.9% 41.7%
Obama Position - Help the economy 34.1% 33.6% 36.0%
NS 16.1% 13.5% 22.3%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Worsen the economy
Health Care
1. Do you agree or disagree with Barack Obama's $65 billion plan to institute taxpayer-funded universal health coverage, which would provide health insurance for those currently uninsured, including illegal immigrants.
All Americans 70% who pay taxes 30% who pay no taxes
Obama Position - Agree 35.1% 31% 46.5%
Disagree 59.9% 65.1% 45.5%
NS 5.0% 3.9% 8.0%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Social Values
1. Should a doctor give medical care to a fetus that survives an abortion, or should medical care not be given?
All Americans Female
Doctor should give medical care 67.8% 68.1%
Obama Position - Doctor should not give medical care 17.7% 18.6%
NS 14.5% 13.2%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Doctor should not give medical care
2. Do you favor or oppose a woman's right to an abortion based on the sex of the fetus?
All Americans Female
Obama Position - Favor 12.3% 9.1%
Oppose 82.2% 87.5%
NS 5.5% 3.4%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
3. Do you agree or disagree that a physician should be legally required to notify the parents of an underage girl who requests an abortion?
All Americans Female
Agree 77% 73.5%
Obama Position - Disagree 19.7% 22.5%
NS 3.4% 3.9%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
4. Do you agree or disagree that abortion destroys a human life and is manslaughter?
All Americans Female
Agree 51.5% 55.5%
Obama Position - Disagree 39.8% 36.6%
NS 8.7% 7.9%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
5. Do you believe that human life begins at conception, when the baby may be able to survive outside the mother's womb with medical assistance, or when the baby is actually born?
All Americans
Conception 58.9%
Baby survive 16.9%
Baby is born 17.2%
Obama Position - Don't know 7%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Baby is born
6. In general, what should be more important to Americans in their daily life: Moral values or material concerns?
All Americans
Moral values 88%
Obama Position - Material concerns 6.1%
NS 5.9%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Moral values
7. Should America's laws be written following Judeo-Christian values or should America be an entirely secular society, devoid of any decisions based upon Judeo-Christian moral values?
All Americans
Judeo-Christian Values 44.4%
Obama Position - Secular Society 40.3%
(Source: Associated Television News / Zogby America Poll of 1, 005 likely voters conducted 7/9/08 through 7/14/08. Margin of Error +/- 3.2 percentage points)
You selected:
Judeo-Christian Values
8. "Which comes closest to your view on abortion: abortion should always be legal, or should be legal most of the time, or should be made illegal except in cases of rape, incest and to save the mother's life, or abortion should be made illegal without any exceptions?"
All Americans
Obama Position - Always Legal 31%
Legal Most of the Time 13%
Illegal with a Few Exceptions 40%
Illegal without Exceptions 10%
Unsure 6%
(Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg Poll. Oct. 19-22, 2007. N=1,039 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3. RV = registered voters)
You selected:
Illegal with a Few Exceptions
9. "Now I would like to ask your opinion about a specific abortion procedure known as a 'late-term' abortion or 'partial-birth' abortion, which is sometimes performed on women during the last few months of pregnancy. Do you think that the government should make this procedure illegal, or do you think that the procedure should be legal?"
All Americans
Illegal 66%
Obama Position - Legal 28%
Unsure 5%
(CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.)
You selected:
10. Would you support or oppose a ballot measure in your state that stipulates only marriage between a man and a woman will be legally recognized?
All Americans
Support 58.3%
Obama Position - Oppose 36.3%
You selected:
11. Recently, Barack Obama was asked when he thought life begins, in reference to the issue of abortion. Obama responded by saying that decision was above his paygrade. Knowing that the next president may be able to appoint two or three U.S. Supreme Court Justices, who may be called to make rulings on the issue of Abortion; do you support or oppose a president who does not know when life begins?
All Americans
Obama Position - Support 27.7%
Oppose 55.3%
You selected:
12. Would you support or oppose a ballot measure in your state that prohibits preferential treatment for any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in public employment, public education or public contracting?
All Americans
Support 53.6%
Obama Position - Oppose 39.6%
You selected:
13. If you knew you had a step brother who was living in a slum and barely surviving on $300 a year, would you help them financially?
All Americans
Yes 83.8%
Obama Position - No 6.5%
You selected:
14. Barack Obama recently said, 'The first thing I'd do as president would be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act,' This legislation would wipe out all state and federal abortion restrictions including the partial-birth abortion ban. Do you agree or disagree with Barack Obama's statement?
All Americans
Obama Position - Agree 38.5%
Disagree 53.9%
(Zogby/ATN Interactive Survey conducted 07/31-08/01/08 of 1,011 likely voters. Margin of error +/- 3.1)
You selected:
1. In general, do you think the current Supreme Court is too liberal, too conservative, or just about right?
All Americans
Too Liberal 21%
Obama Position - Too Conservative 32%
About Right 43%
No Opinion 5.0%
(Gallup Poll conducted September 14-16, 2007)
You selected:
Too Conservative
1. Do you agree or disagree that it should it be illegal for convicts on probation or on bail to have contact with a street gang?
All Americans
Agree 81.7%
Obama Position - Disagree 12.4%
You selected:
1. Some organized labor groups want to eliminate a workers' right to cast a secret ballot in elections in which workers decide whether or not to organize as a union. Do you support or oppose the workers' right to a secret ballot when deciding on unionizing
All Americans
Support 78%
Obama Position - Oppose 15.4%