I know he doesn't deserve it.
But when has Byakuran deserved redemption? When has Xanxus deserved redemption? Only by the fact that they weren't as bad because they killed/tortured less people...? :|
It's not end of the world if Daemon Spade gets a backstory, a reason for his actions. Frankly, I've been expecting it since day one.
I guess it's more like a back development for him. He will die and never come back to play a main part in the story, just like the rest of the primos (except Giotto because he's goddamn Giotto). He died because he deserved it. But one upon a time, he must have been a decent human being, else why would Giotto recruit him? I admit I want to get to know Daemon Spade of that time, and how he just cracked. And the key is this new mysterious girl, whom Daemon obviously loved very much.
I like how love can give courage and overcome all obstacles (earth sky YEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH) and now we're going to be shown how love can make a person insane and commit atrocities they would otherwise never have done. I'm just a sucker for those stories. Sooooo I am looking forward to it.
Also shipping Daemon/mystery!woman to hell now.