Naruto Chara song?

May 21, 2008 18:31

 I just read this on a japanese blog:

ナルトのキャラソン?が キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ッ!!

ナルトやサスケたちが歌う!『NARUTO All STARS』


My Japanese is bad, but it looks like this person is talking about a Naruto and Sasuke duet? And they're hoping that there will be songs from Sakura, Yamato, and Sai...(I think).

I can't tell if they're just wishing for a Naruto charasong or if this is something that's really going to be released in the future.  I looked all over the internet and couldnt' find any announcements about it, so I don't know.

Has anyone else heard of this Naruto character song (CD)?  I think it'd be really cool if they did release one.  I've been waiting for one ever since "OH! ENKA!"  and "Naruto Ondo"  Those songs were so cute, with everyone singing together.
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