The 2009 Naruto Calendars are here!
Result of the 2009 Naruto Calendar Project, We have a Wall Calendar and Computer Wallpapers this year, featuring 13 awesome, great-looking fan-arts by volunteers!
Why are you still reading? Click on that lj-cut below and go look at them already!
Disclaimer: These calendars are fan-made and are not meant for sale or for profit. Naruto and related characters are property of Masashi Kishimoto
The Wall Calendars
You can
Download the Wall Calendar here (5159 kb), or you can click on each thumbnails to view them and rightclick-save.
The Computer Wallpapers
You can click on one of the links below to download, or you can click on each thumbnails to view them and rightclick-save. The thumbnails are in 1024x768 size only, but there are more sizes available for download.
800x600 (1187 kb)1024x768 (1627 kb)1280x1024 (2424 kb)1600x1200 (2840 kb)wide 1280x800 (1742 kb)wide 1680x1050 (2332 kb)wide 1920x1200 (2970 kb)
Much Thanks to all who participated in the project! The Calendars would not have come together without the time and effort you put into your fan-arts. I appreciate your hard work and committment. It was great working with y'all. :D
fuuma_konan, January:
rachiru_icons, February:
sapphireluna, April:
tomoe_daeva, May:
rukoto, June:
dusk, August:
athelice, September:
tifa767, October:
umaken, December:
luel_exana, Coordination:
arandomstudent And as a side note, this is the last time I'm organizing the Naruto Calendars. If there's going to be another fan-made calendar for 2010, someone else will have to step up and be in charge. Hey, it could even be one of you guys who volunteered. I hope I've been a good precedent and example for future Calendar Project Coordinators, and hope that they'll enjoy it as much as I did. :)
Happy New Year to all!
Please leave a comment to show your appreciation for the artists! ^_^