Current mood:
Current music:
Verve Pipe - Freshmen
Today is my brother Brian's birthday. [I named him, in case you wanted to know.] He's 20, and I just can't believe it!
I still remember when he was a kid and I used to dress him up in tutus and make him be my dance partner. He was such a cute little boy. We'd to play doctor with my plastic medical kit, and I'd make him be the patient. I gave him cookies and juice to make him well. We flew down the carpeted stairway on our sleeping bags and landed with a bang into the front door, but only when mom and dad weren't watching. He had one of those PowerWheels Big Foots, and man did he love that thing. We built many snow forts in our day. How those carefree days come and go so quickly. We spent a lot of time bickering, kicking, and hitting, too. But we were a family with only two kids, and it got lonely without one another, so we never stayed mad long.
When I got into high school, I used to bring him out with my friends. I liked it when people told us how much we looked alike. He was the cool little brother, who even covered up for me at times. Like the time 25 people showed up in my driveway because they thought I was having a party, and he went outside with a baseball bat and told them all to go home. He was 13-years-old then. Granted, I did use him a lot to keep me company when no one else was around to run errands with me.
I remember when we went as a family to tour my college, and the fraternity tried to recruit him even though he hadn't entered high school yet. I even had him overnight in my dorm room freshman year. I'll never forget he sent me an mp3 of Verve Pipe's song Freshmen, and told me that it was "our song" because it was his first year in high school, and mine in college. Then, there was a period of time for close to three years that we didn't really get along, or talk very much.
Despite our differences, I still had him overnight once senior year. I had almost forgotten what it was like to hang out with him. And again, all my friends told us how much we looked alike. Our parents getting divorced recently kind of pulled us apart more, but I think we're finally starting to get some of that back. He's growing up and leaving that whole teenager stage behind. I almost fell out of bed one day when he called me a few weeks ago to ask me to go to the mall with him. We never made it to the mall, but he had lunch with Kenny and I, and it was nice.
After writing all this, I realize I miss little my brother, and even though he does things I don't really approve of, like pierce his lip, I still love him. Wow, I think I'm going to cry now.