i sure do... i'll send it to you on one conditition =) run on over to bandfront.com and sign up =) send me your email address and i'll send you the code =) i don't think it'd be a good idea to post it in the open. my email is chyna_mn@hotmail.com
hi i lost the im you sent me and i tried to post this in your journal but it's friends only comments so.... lol i hope you get this this way =) the journal you made with the code is punkmusic hope that helps.
i'm noting you because i was updating my interests, and i noticed someone else had "scootching" listed. i've never known anyone else to know that word, so i was wondering if you gave it the same meaning my family does.
Hello I've added you. I noticed that we have a few things in common, including The Nameless Server. Woohoo EQ! Check out my profile and add me back if you like. :)
Comments 9
I found you randomly, but seeing how you're from MN, like sci-fi, movies, dvds, and Star Wars, you may be interested in the following....
Minnesota Force
look forward to getting to know you!
my husband and i call it that. like when we need a break from the world we go scootch =D
i've never known anyone else to call it that either hehe
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