Title: Missing Pieces
minori_k Archive to Pros Lib: Yes, please!
Genre: Slash
Characters/Pairing: Doyle/Bodie
Word count: ~ 20,000
Warnings: none
Summary: Detective Constable Raymond Doyle, infuriated by the corruption he’s found in the Drugs Squad, vows to expose those who are lining their own pockets and tarnishing the reputation of Scotland Yard. George Cowley wants to see him succeed, for reasons of his own. Newly qualified CI5 operative W.A.P Bodie is sent undercover to make sure both men get what they want, and maybe, find something for himself in the mix.
Notes: Big hugs & thanks to my beta’s, and those who kept me on track!
ci5mates, and everyone else I bothered along the way. Didn’t always take their advice, but they all helped make this a better story than the one I originally wrote! And of course, thanks to my amazing artist
minori_k Can’t wait for you all to see her gorgeous art.
This story is dedicated to a friend who has had a rough year. Her courage and grace in the face of adversity will be an inspiration to me forever (and her tenacity would make even Doyle proud! *g*) Blessed be, m’dear.
Link to Fic:
Fic Master Post/Missing PiecesLink to Art:
Art Master Post