Title: Different Phantoms
krisserci5 Archive to Pros Lib: Yes
Genre: Slash
Characters/Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Word count: 43,408
Summary: Cowley puts Bodie and Doyle on a unsettling spree killer case and much to Doyle's dismay, he's slowly discovering that he is involved in ways that he doesn't understand.
Notes: I'd like to thank my editors/betas, Dawnwind, JoJo and Sally Fell, for their invaluable help with this story.
A big thank you to
krisserci5 for her wonderful art.
Thanks also to my fellow mods at CI5 Box of Tricks:
norfolkdumpling and
saintvic. You guys are amazing and it's a pleasure working with you.
This is for my sweetie, Chris. Love you.
Link to Fic:
Fic Master Post/Different Phantoms (with art)