Title: Past Imperfect
ankaree Archive to Pros Lib: Yes
Genre: Pre-slash
Characters/Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Word count: 35,011 or thereabouts
Warnings: NC-17 I suppose. Also warnings for flashbacks to childhood sexual abuse and dub-con (not involving partner).
Disclaimer: They’re not mine unfortunately. I just like to borrow them to play with for a while, and I promise to give them back when I’ve finished.
Summary: Doyle goes undercover while haunted by evil memories out of his past. Meanwhile Bodie is having problems of his own. The partnership is under strain and Doyle is under pressure - will they break the case before Doyle snaps, will Bodie be able to provide Doyle with the support he needs?
Notes: Many, many thanks to
ankaree, who has provided the beautiful cover art and the gorgeous, apposite illustrations in the text - bonus, eh?
The first few thousand words of this fic have been sitting on my hard drive for the last... ooh, two years at least, so I am extremely grateful to
przed and
callistosh65 for organising and running the Big Bang, which has finally given me the impetus to finish it!
And thanks too to my wonderful betas
jaycat92 and
lukadreaming who spotted my spolling mistokes, sorted out my grammar, and provided much fixing cement to fill in the huge plot holes that threatened to derail the whole thing. Guys, I owe you!
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