Title: Inside, Upside, Down, Alright
Fandom: DC Comics
Pairing: Tim/Kon
Rating: explicit
Summary: For the
kink_bingo tiny bingos mini-challenge. Prompt of "bondage (other)". Because obviously that means tactile telekinesis. 98 words.
Notes: I'm imagining futurefic, so not underage, but whatever you want to think is fine.
Thanks: To
sansets for audiencing.
Gravity still pulls Tim down, down, but Kon’s telekinesis holds him up, up, immobilized, his face mashed against the rough ceiling, Kon’s fingers around his wrists, Kon’s body pressed the whole sweaty length of his own, Kon’s teeth on the nape of his neck and voice whispering endless endearments, his knees scraped and thighs held apart as Kon fucks into him deep and hard, strokes his cock, strength Tim can’t break and bonds he can’t wriggle out of, like nothing else in this world, and Tim comes sharp and bright, feels Kon shudder and grin against his skin.
This entry was originally posted at
http://ciaan.dreamwidth.org/49672.html. Please comment here or there.
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