Ok, go down your friend list and post one thing you like, and one thing you dislike about everyone on the list. Weee
194829601940185, terminal_hopes - Like- Your my dad; Dislike- Your my dad, seriously, Like- your fun to be around; Dis- you can take things too far
2minus3- Umm.. this is kinda hard cas it's 2 people so hmmm, Like- happy, optimistic personality; Dislike- how Timmay spoils Sarah :P ok that's more of "I want someone to send me boxes of candy" but hey!
antidare- Like- Cool, calm attitude; Dislike- Flash mood swings
cleuless- Like- Interesting, and one of the few people that i can have deep convosations with; Dislike- You've changed kinda from last year, don't know how to explain but oh well.
eatsomepie- Like- Fun, out-going, and makes things interesting always; Dislike- Drug use and one word... JOSH!
emotion_lost, lavid_memories- Like- You good at distracking me whenever i was sad or something like that; Dislike- can be too self centered
lint_is_good- Like- Always talked about the funniest things, and was always cool to be with, Dislike- how you hate/dislike me
mindlessniq, niqcommentwhore- Like-Extensive knowledge of Music, and basically just taste in general; Dislike- how you hate and are so judgemental of people
mxoutlaw- Like- your from Alabama, what more can i say, your great!; Dislike- THE WEGGIES!!!! and the constant boob/ass grabbing, even though i don't even notice anymore, really
plastic_lives, tired_tears- Like- your friendship; Dislike- your anger
puffo- Like- Everything; Dislike- that your so far away
reesiepooo- Like- your kindness Dislike- Indecisiveness
rotten- Like- how your always so open, and willing for new things; Dislike- how your too harsh on yourself
spaceunit- Like- Ahhh, Adam your such a fun kid, there's WAY too many things i can say about you so to sum it up, your one of my best friends. Dislike- your extensive amount of drug usem and that we haven't hung out in forever
strangelyodd- Like- your really great to talk to about anything; Dislike- don't really know...
the_beginner- Like- Willingness to help me out; Dislike- last year atleast, moodiness
xnickcx- Like- your instant friendliness towards me; Dislike- how you left me to go to College!! :(