(no subject)

May 26, 2005 13:25

My Dad has an "addictive" nature to say the least.


This is just so you can understand the extent of what I'm living with. Yep. His DVD's and stuff are way more important than his family.

Thats no where near all of it.

Monty the bully cat who got run over and is now decrepid has started to reside here bless him. Neo doesnt really mind. Probablly cuz Neo's the hardest cat n the world. LMAO.

^thats my new adopted kitty^

^this is Neo in the shed not giving a shit that the adopted kitty is eating his food, hes just mad because I keep tapping the glass to wake hi up every 5 minutes^

Matt and Emma are coming over for mooovie goodness...Emma's bringing DVD's. I dont know if she should have bothered. Lol.
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