So... Episode 12, the end. Sebastian ask us to cry in the previous... which is meant FOR HIM! HAHAHAHAHAH *dies* But we ain't crying. We're laughing and we're amused. And he isn't XD
Truth be told. I do have mixed feelings. I do feel really sorry for Sebastian in a way. And I do miss human Ciel. And I would have hated a demon!Ciel ending.
BUT I LIKE THE FACT that it wasn't Sebastian who turned Ciel into a demon... but Hannah and Alois' wish. So this really made everything interesting.
I was glad Hannah wasn't the evil mastermind and I'm glad Alois was happy and.. Claude died a nice death. It was a good way to redeem himself and it's nice how he asked for glasses.
I don't know but I can't believe actually liking this ending. Even though it's so pro-SebaCiel but it wasn't done like a yaoi manga. It's still pretty dark and it ain't all that fluffy. It's like SebaCiel has this cursed relationship <3 FOREVER.ETERNITY.
Though I do think that MAYBE, no definitely Ciel has some feelings for Sebastian from the start. But he knows Sebastian is a demon and he doesn't have emotions like that, so he hides or push it away. (Episode 9 proves this).. SO NOW.. since he HIMSELF became one.. and his soul already has NO salvation thanks to Sebastian. I DO think he found all these newfound powers interesting and amusing. And he can't wait to torture Sebastian.. since he's spending an eternity. GOSH he's so freakin possessive rite?? XDDD I got a feeling Ciel won't really show it but maybe who knows. They do have an eternity. And Sebastian has way too much pride to admit he has feeling for his meal. But I guess Sebastian did feel betrayed.. because the things he did to regain back Ciel.. only to be end up.. with no meal at all!! D: NVM SEBASTIAN u just NEED SOME TIME!!
Come bring ur Bocchan to tour hell. LOLOLOLOL XD
I'm surprised people actually cried over this episode. I was more ... blanked out I guess.
Some people were upset that Sebastian didn't even smile but ne.. I'm awaiting the OVAS.. maybe he will smile XD WHO KNOWS XDD