Title: Absence and Fondness Rating: hard R Pairing: Sawyer/Sayid, Jack/Boone, Jack/Sawyer established relationship Summary: Jack and Sawyer take a break. ( Spoilers for S1 in authors notes. )
Thanks! <3 Jack/Sawyer is definitely the ultimate pairing for me, but I did enjoy getting to play with the other two, even if it was mostly for the sake of J/S.
I LOVE THIS. It's interesting to see Jack and Sawyer with other people, but I love that they still gravitate back towards each other in the end. This is fantastic. ♥
First things first: I am so very sorry it's taken me this long to get back to you, but RL has a way of getting in the way of my fandom fun that's quite annoying. I need to work on that
Now, I loved this! It's so much fun. I love how matter-of-fact both Jack and Sawyer are about what they did and who they did. They know they work together - their time apart helped htem see the obvious - and whatever happened, happened.
Thank you so much for this wonderful gift and please accept my apologies for my delay on reading and commenting.
Comments 7
Jack/Sawyer is definitely the ultimate pairing for me, but I did enjoy getting to play with the other two, even if it was mostly for the sake of J/S.
Now, I loved this! It's so much fun. I love how matter-of-fact both Jack and Sawyer are about what they did and who they did. They know they work together - their time apart helped htem see the obvious - and whatever happened, happened.
Thank you so much for this wonderful gift and please accept my apologies for my delay on reading and commenting.
Eeh! Thanks for the kind words. <3 I really liked working on the prompt, it was a total joy.
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