I am very well. Teaching Ballet and Modern at the Dance Center, playing a small role in the party scene of The Nutcracker, and choreographing Modern Dance works that I wish I could set on my Wells Women (and dance with them). :)
Hey there--we met last year on the applying to grad community. I am re-applying to Cornell this year, and I was just wondering if we could have a chat via email about various academics and the program? If you're interested my email is phoenix_bird27@hotmail.com
Phoenixbird - If you have specific questions about the department or the program you should email them to me at the address listed on my info page. I'm happy to answer them the best I can. Good luck with your applications!
Me too - I've been hiding in other's words/songs for the time being. Not willing to share my moments in their specificity. Something about "the sky above the blue" catches me like Rilke and Woolf, Nietzsche and Tom Waits.
I've been obsessed by the sky this month - azure, cerulean, layers of light, sunsets you wouldn't believe. It's so warm for November in the NE US- 60 degrees and holding. I think the rain is coming, though and finally the snow.
Comments 10
How are you, K?
I've been obsessed by the sky this month - azure, cerulean, layers of light, sunsets you wouldn't believe. It's so warm for November in the NE US- 60 degrees and holding. I think the rain is coming, though and finally the snow.
I need to go dancing.
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