Your very resilient. I didn't see it when I was around you, but your recent posts have shown me that nothing can keep you down.
You are stubborn in a good way. Pursuing Laura in those first couple months couldn't have been easy, but you did and showed her love that I don't think she had ever experienced.
Your a very kind man. Even through the bumps that Laura and I had, you were still kind to me and have never said an unkind word to me.
You are a very giving person. You didn't even blink at letting us stay with you and helping us get on our feet.
You are hilarious. I don't know how many laughs I shared with you, but your humor is so refreshing.
You are beautiful inside and out. You wear your heart on your sleeve, which I know gets you into trouble, but it allows people like me to feel comfortable around you right away. You are a very beautiful woman to the eyes, but also to the spirit
Comments 4
You are stubborn in a good way. Pursuing Laura in those first couple months couldn't have been easy, but you did and showed her love that I don't think she had ever experienced.
Your a very kind man. Even through the bumps that Laura and I had, you were still kind to me and have never said an unkind word to me.
You are hilarious. I don't know how many laughs I shared with you, but your humor is so refreshing.
You are beautiful inside and out. You wear your heart on your sleeve, which I know gets you into trouble, but it allows people like me to feel comfortable around you right away. You are a very beautiful woman to the eyes, but also to the spirit
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