Feb 19, 2008 03:02
I recommend the reading of Epicurus to everyone, especially the Letter to Menoeceus, which is only 5 pages long and probably available online. More in the morning.
Jan 11, 2008 11:41
Sleep, even inadequate sleep, due to some nasty insomnia, definately improves matters.
Jan 03, 2008 23:08
I'd've preferred an Edwards victory, but Obama getting a solid lead and Edwards edging out Clinton for third ain't bad either.
Oct 17, 2007 00:15
Run over a possum today. Had to run over it again after the first (relatively slow - I braked, but not hard enough) blow didn't kill it but (I think) crushed a lung. So it goes.
Jul 10, 2007 09:46
Even on 4 hours of sleep (and six the night before that), not yet caffeinated, coughing, and still just a tad freaked . . . it is AMAZING what a good breakfast (hot homemade tortillas) will do for your mood. Hopefully the headache will go away when I get some coffee.
Apr 16, 2007 18:43
Am at the Math library, desperately trying to convince myself that I should work.
Feb 19, 2007 01:48
I'm thinking I should start posting more, even if it's just "what i did today" type entries. It would at least force me to give some thought to what I've managed to accomplish each day, which sadly often isn't much. Anyone want to lay odds on whether I'll follow through on this better than I have on any of my previous resolutions?