Title: Gifts Genre: Fluff Characters: Kakashi, Iruka Word Count: ~600 Rating: PG Summary: Iruka and Kakashi exchange gifts. And then pretend they didn't. Author's Notes: Written for
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OMG. *melts* and you think YOU were grinning goofily! XD Thanks so much for the drabble I'm so so glad I asked for it! XD Love the flirting, love the key, and I can totally picture Kakashi's face at the end. *^^* Thank you again for this Christmas gift! *heart*
Aw, you say the nicest things. I'm so glad you like it! :) It was the least I could do after all the work and translations you've done for us. Thank you!
I figured I should drop by and tell you in a more personal way (?) just how much I've enjoyed your fics on ff.net. Especially Run. I read it before two years ago and somehow got caught up in the tragic moment again today... Twice. :-$
So yes, just dropping by and friending you, so I know when the next bit of drabble is released :-) Hope you don't mind?
Comments 3
So yes, just dropping by and friending you, so I know when the next bit of drabble is released :-) Hope you don't mind?
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