I don't post a lot about fannish stuff, reactions to new manga chapters or new episodes or stuff that I'm fangirling over, so this post is a little weird for me to write but I am bored at work (surprise, surprise) and I really want to squee and flail over DBSK. So that's what I'm gonna do.
My DVDs finally arrived yesterday, yay! At 9:30 in the morning but USPS didn't update their tracking info until 4:30 so I had no idea. Good thing, too, actually, because then I would have gotten even less work done than usual. Anyway, I checked at 4:30, saw that they had arrived and totally booked it out of there. The Advil I'd taken earlier had kicked in by then so I could actually move at a normal pace, too. Awesomeness.
So I rush home (I did not run although it came close, and goddamn you, DBSK, for turning me into this freak!) and there it was, sitting on my desk, all ugly and brown and taped up all to hell because Yesasia are cheap bastards who reuse cardboard pieces in place of actual boxes. Whatever, saves trees, I guess. Anyway, the DVDs themselves are freaking gorgeous. I am in love with the packaging. Seriously, I was smiling like a doofus the entire time I was opening them. Fuck, I'm smiling like a doofus now just thinking about them.
Wow, I am really lame.
So... yeah, okay, now came the moment of truth. My DVD player is supposedly region free but I've never tried anything but region 1 and VCDs. I pop disc 1 in and nothing happens. Wrong region, it says. I kinda sadfaced for a while but then I stopped being stupid and looked up the DVD hack.
I have had my issues with my DVD player but I have to say, I really really love it right now. I might even name it.
AADBSK has 5 discs for 5 categories: Dramas, Shows, Music, Talk, and some other one that I can't remember because Talk includes some wonderous thing called "Couples Talk". Yeah, that's right. They split them up into couples and have them talk about each other. They make up their own couple names! They do stupid couple handshakes, they smile and laugh and touch each other on the thigh! Which, okay, happens all the time because DBSK are touchy-feely whores but still!
So I think it's pretty obvious which disc I watched first. Two hours of them joking and complimenting each other and saying the sweetest things in between insults and, and, oh, I just love them so much. They make me all happy and fuzzy inside and that's kinda pathetic but I never really got into the Backstreet Boys or Nsync fangirl craze in high school so I figure I am due. A decade too late but that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.
It's embarrassing like no other but I really really like them. Like, Super Junior I can say I like them for the lulz because they're crack personified but I can't say that about DBSK and honestly, I'm sort of overinvested in them. It's pretty bad. :( I want them to do well and be successful and healthy and when one of them gets hurt, I, like, pray for them. Yeah, crazy much? It is really fucking annoying how much I love them.
Anyway, in conclusion, I am insane and obsessive but I am making my peace with it. Although I still really hope other fans in any fandom (HP does not count for obvious reasons) sometimes get like this, too. I mean, I can't be the only one, right? Right.
In other less crazy news, it's Friday! Woohoo!