Title: Better Late Than Never
Author: Cindy
Rating: PG13
Timeframe: Season 5, post-Intervention
Characters/Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine, but Joss said I could play with them
Written for:
dettiot for the Welcome Back to the Hellmouth Ficathon, who requested S/B, humor, season 4 or 5, and Spike introduces Buffy to something
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Comments 18
I am curious to know if there'll be repercussions to warning Giles about the mark of eigon. I'm not sure how much you plan to deal with that, but I'm intrigued!
As far as repercussions, there will be at least one - but I'm really not going to go into that very deeply because this was really meant to be just a light, humorous piece (she says, three years later). *g*
But no no no on the sequel sequel sequel, I'm afraid. It took me years just to write this! But there will be epilogue epilogue epilogue! :-)
Ooh! Smackdown: Ripper!
It worked! Now what!
Thanks for reading!
"I know all about what you're planning to do," she whispered. "Don't. Don't do it. Don't let any of them do it. Your friends will die."
Hmm... good idea but...
And then she took Spike's face in her hands and kissed him..."Aww..." Deirdre said as they reluctantly pulled away from each other. "A slayer and a vampire! That's kind of poetic, don't you think, Ripper?"
Hmm... where have I heard that phrase before...
"Willow, the amount you don't know about magic could fill a bloody ocean!" he snapped.
Oh Giles, you have no idea.
And yes, I used a similar phrase on purpose, there.
Thanks so much for your comments!
Loved Giles smackdown of Willow's arrogant comment about how the spell should have worked.
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