1. You have an inate love for frogs =D 2. 98 Degrees - Hardest Thing 3. Lemon...it's always lemon 4. "Ger-ber" 5. Rollerskating in the kitchen and hot Uncle Mark at the slumber party. 6. See no. 1 <> 7. How DID you meet Sean? <> 8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
Comments 3
2. 98 Degrees - Hardest Thing
3. Lemon...it's always lemon
4. "Ger-ber"
5. Rollerskating in the kitchen and hot Uncle Mark at the slumber party.
6. See no. 1 <>
7. How DID you meet Sean? <>
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
grr brr baby cheese brr grr
i met sean initially online then met him in person when you did at tent meeting. I think we met in a chat or thru a profile search of new castle.
i love your answers cuz those are some great memories!
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