(HP) Fic: The Sky Was Left

Mar 08, 2011 23:18

Title: The Sky Was Left
Rating: PG
Pairing: implied H/D
Words: 315
Warnings: implied slash, angst
Summary: Harry contemplates what is left.
Beta: None
A/N: Written for the hump_day101 weekly challenge. This week's was "into the wind" and angst.

The Sky Was Left

Harry sat in the sky above the field that surrounded his home. It was very reminiscent of the Weasley home, the only home he truly felt safe in, without the tilting walls and additions that could only be held up by magic. His house was more of a cottage, something his parents could be proud of. And the field was something he had always hoped for, a small quidditch pitch to enjoy with friends, family, present and future.

He looked at the green grass, watching as it swayed with each breeze. Harry took a deep breath and sailed further up into the wind. He closed his eyes and let the chill creep out across his skin, let it whisper past his ears. He held the broomstick and floated. There was no rush, no snitch to catch, just his broomstick and the never ending sky stretched out before him for the taking.

He took a heavy, deep breath and opened his eyes. He was alone. Most of those close to him were gone. His parents, Sirius, Albus. Many more died in the final battle. Harry looked down to his home. The home his parents would be proud, with darkened windows, no sounds of laughter. What was the cost? To have something to enjoy and few to enjoy it with. Ron and Hermione were busy, contemplating divorce lawyers as their bickering increased. Ginny was off chasing dragons with Charlie. Even Draco had left, he’d had too much, seen too much and just couldn’t do it anymore. He could let himself be happy with guilt for the man he had become even if that man was long in the past.

Harry didn’t know what he had left. All he knew was the feeling of peace he felt in the sky. He flew hard into the wind and vowed not to look back. Maybe tomorrow. Today he would escape.

genre: angst, pairing: slash, challenge: hdwc, fandom: harry potter

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