Homework was the biggest reason I didn't want to do anymore college. I can't handle all that reading--it makes my eyes ache. My vision is too sharp to read, I think. Plus I kind of want to KEEP my vision good which makes staring at a textbook for years not so much of a good idea. However, I've been offered a full ride to the medical program at Vanderbilt and the idea of med school really, really excites me, I would love to get a specialization in trauma. I never learned Latin, but I can speak French and Spanish. How many more years of college does Kym have?
I often wish I had enough money to take care of those I love. I know how that feels.
Re: MED SCHOOL FOR FREE?llewellynilianaAugust 27 2003, 06:18:31 UTC
Vanderbilt has offered to pay for me to go to Med School. Considering it is $75,000 a year to go here for Med School, I am seriously considering it. I'd like to work in trauma. And considering I already work in the med center and run around in scrubs all the time I might as well. Right now I work more on the research end of the spectrum and the offer would mean me moving to the practice end of the spectrum. Since positively nothing ever grosses me out, I think I'd be good in trauma. I'd like to go into the trauma surgery pediatric program they have. Basically working in critical care SICU in the peds ward. I told Adam about it and he thinks it's great. I probably would not start for at least one more semester or two anyway. They told me the offer is standing and I can start whenever the fuck I feel like it--who knew that perfect GRE scores could get you so much! Ha ha. The reason I was lucky enough to get this offer is because the Dean of the Med Center adores me and saw my GRE scores and so on so forth.
You would love it I believe, but there are several teach-yourself materials that you might look into. There is also TFLI on 5th I believe, and that is one night a week---and they teach over 160 languages.....
Hi Heather, it's Mel from Milwaukee. I'm adding you to my friends list just so you know. :) I hope Kym's going away party was a blast, and I'm sorry I missed it. I *really* enjoyed hanging out with you (as usual), despite the 5:00 a.m. wake-up call. *grin* Anyway, I hope the chocolate cheese was everything you hoped for and more. I couldn't resist getting some for myself!
Keep in touch chica, and I'll send edited photos your way soon.
Comments 7
I often wish I had enough money to take care of those I love. I know how that feels.
Heather, call me.
Keep in touch chica, and I'll send edited photos your way soon.
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