[01] What is your favorite cheese? [02] What is a word you say often? [03] Do you consider yourself a kind person? [04] How many alcoholic beverages do you drink per month, on average? [05] Does anything on your body hurt right now?
[01] What task is okay for you to do half-heartedly (or half-assed)? [02] When is the last time you left something incompleted? [03] Is your glass half empty of half full? [04] Have you found "your other half?" [05] With whom would you most likely split a restaurant check with?
[01] What sport do you like to watch, but would never participate in? [02] What sport would you like to participate in, but haven't (yet)? [03] If you were to be a professional athlete, what sport would you choose? [04] What activity is not considered a sport, but you think should be? [05] What sport do you think should not be considered one?
[01] Would you shave your entire body, including your head? [02] Have you ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? [03] Do you pee in the shower? [04] Have you ever kissed a stranger? [05] On what side of the bed do you sleep?
[01] What is the greatest distance you have ever moved? [02] Where would you like to live? [03] If you were moving, would you rent a U-Haul and do it yourself, or hire movers? [04] When was the last time you moved? [05] In what residence have you most felt at home?
[01] What is the best thing that happened to/for you in the last year? [02] What is something for which you are excited in the new year? [03] Do you make resolutions? (Do you keep them?) [04] What do you think was your greatest accomplishment for the year? [05] How do you plan to spend New Year's Eve?
[01] What keeps you awake at night? [02] What object in your sight makes you smile? [03] What temp is it where you are? [04] What is the last word you had to look up to find the spelling? [05] If you could replace one electronic device in your home, what would it be?
[01] How do you deal with a passive aggressive personality? [02] When you are angry, how do you most often express it? [03] Have you ever misdirected your hostility? [04] Have you ever acted in a way you immediately regretted? [05] How often do you lose your temper?