For the first time, well, EVER, I feel like we've elected the best of what America has to offer. He's not everyman -- he's superlative: smarter, more reasonable, better. He's not someone to think of as my equal: I look up to him, I bloody well respect him. And that is what this country needs: no more "guy you can drink beer with", more "guy who inspires you to strive for the best in yourself through his example".
Yes, I am twitterpated. Yes, I am electrified.
Don't let us down, Barack. Please, God. Be the man we have faith in you to be.
For the first time in yoinks, I'm proud to be an American. And for the first time in eight years, I did not have to HOLD MY GODDAMN NOSE to vote. I voted joyously.
Betcha Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks - not to mention Frederick Douglass and Hariett Tubman - are jumping up and down and cheering, wherever they are.
As for McCain - betcha he's wishing he'd picked Olympia Snowe. Maybe Snowe had a McCain vooodoo doll and stuck pins in it, which is why he lost. Hee.
Comments 27
Yes, I am twitterpated. Yes, I am electrified.
Don't let us down, Barack. Please, God. Be the man we have faith in you to be.
Betcha Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks - not to mention Frederick Douglass and Hariett Tubman - are jumping up and down and cheering, wherever they are.
As for McCain - betcha he's wishing he'd picked Olympia Snowe. Maybe Snowe had a McCain vooodoo doll and stuck pins in it, which is why he lost. Hee.
I have been behaving like my icon for about 24 hours now.
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