我今天看的时候,前十分钟就被搞哭了。座位的问题,我第一次看见妈妈开场那段的表情。她温柔宽容的温婉语气背后其实一直在忍着泪水,她的表情让我的心都碎了。Her love was such a ferocious love。
"Hi Andrew"
"Hi Ting "
我: I...
A: How are you?(god bless you and your ridiculous manners)
我: I am good. What about you?
A: what have you been doing today?
我: Finally I did see the show today.
A: did or didnt?
我: did, I did
A: oh (笑)
我: I cried the seventh time. Isn't that remarkable thing?
A: yeah..(笑,大概因为我用了爸爸的台词)
我: I started crying when you started crying.
A: that's so sweet. You are always so sweet Ting.
我: I think this is the last show for me.
A: oh? You are done?
我: yeah. I just cant get a ticket anymore.
A: And they are expensive.
我: yeah.
在旁边等她们告已段落后,我继续说: Andrew. I'm gonna miss you on stage.
A: I am gonna miss you too. You have been so great and so supportive. I will remember you Ting. I will remember you.
(Long hug)
我在他耳边说: See you next on big screen.
In the end I almost couldn't let go.