Just got back from seeing Harry Potter. At 9 AM. Yes, one advantage of living where I live is that the closest movie theater starts showing at 9 on weekends. It was blissfully free of people. I would totally see a 9 AM movie again!
Anyway, movie thoughts, not in any coherent order. Spoilers for HBP and probably some for DH too. )
Comments 4
That's really it! I feel especially pissed because I know that he is going to die in the next book and one of the redeeming factors about that was that he at least got a good story line in HBP. (Snape shoving Draco against the wall = almost best moment ever. Best moment ever would have been if it had been Harry, but can't have everything. Wall pushing icon expresses approval of such things.)
I just read the EW review, and it said that Kloves was going to write the last movie too. :( I just hope they keep the cinematographer, because he did stunning work.
And yeah, I hope they keep the cinematographer. An interesting tidbit, apparently the first cut of the movie had an even more radical color pallet, and when the studio heads saw it they made David Yates and co. go back and tweak the color balance of the whole film. Still looked pretty awesome though.
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