DragonCon 2005

Sep 06, 2005 14:16

I'm beat. I'm exhausted. I'm sporting various unexplainable bruises. I'm still giggling over the running joke of the pissed-off letters of Elrond, Smackdown Bitch of Rivendell (especially the Dejà Vu Sindarin Wankers series). I'm still silently saying WTF? about all the women determined to wear corsets two sizes too small for them, thus spilling ( Read more... )

dragoncon, picspam

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Comments 42

presentiment September 6 2005, 20:11:27 UTC
A Elbereth Gilthoniel,
we still remember, we who dwell,
in these far lands beneath the trees,
the starlight on the Western Seas.

Or something like that?

Sounds like you had a good time. Personally, I avoid TORN and all the idiocy there. I didn't even get my movie news there, I much prefered warofthering.net - not because it was a better source but because they aren't jerks.

Back at MotR last year, sazzra, finarfiniel, myself and many others whom I cannot remember right now because I am ill and should technically be in the hospital decided that, one day, we shall host our own LotR convention and it shall kick the ass of every other convention ever held ever. Evereverever. There was much talk of battle reenactments while riding space hoppers, Elf Olympics and security dressing like Agent Elrond. I think I should breathe life back into this idea...


circestale September 6 2005, 20:55:42 UTC
*coughs* We were being wankers and trying to sing it in Sindarin. Problem is, neither of us had it memorized.

I didn't have an opinion on TORN before this convention. Now, it's not very good at all. The Tolkien track at DCon last year was horribly organized, and the same people I'm talking about in this post were also responsible.

So far, from a programming standpoint, the best convention I've been to was Gathering of the Fellowship '03. However, that convention had the worst organization ever, due to the fact that the people running it had never organized a large convention before. The gamut of the scheduling, though, was superb. I'd like to see a well-organized convention with a variety of panels, from actors, to book discussion, to costuming, to art discussion, to simple silly stuff, like trivia and spoofs, maybe even an organized MST3K of the movies. Plus, I'd like the organizers to be inclusive of all aspects of the fandom, and not alienate fans. I now feel like giving TORN the bird.


spacebee September 6 2005, 21:02:38 UTC

Unfortunately, we were also unable to sing that bit about Claudio in any Elven language, either. *hangs head in shame*


circestale September 6 2005, 21:06:42 UTC

Well, we know the meaning of the name Claudio, so wouldn't we just need the Sindarin equivalent of lame?


spacebee September 6 2005, 20:25:09 UTC
Know what really sucks for me, as usual? The Cruxshadows are coming RIGHT TO YOU! And you don't even like them. And for me? Closest is effing Denver, which is four hundred goddamn miles away. Ah, well. I miss Snapeygirl. *sigh*


circestale September 6 2005, 20:48:17 UTC
Oh, that's terrible. And after the whole Monday floor crawling, I'm sure they'll remember you, too.

Snapeygirl was so cute in her Slytherinness. *mashes you*


spacebee September 6 2005, 21:22:32 UTC

I did quite like the tone of the whole "Dear Wanker" series, but I also rather enjoyed the "Dear Hippie" ones. Heh.


circestale September 6 2005, 21:26:17 UTC
I just like the idea of Elrond writing:

Dear Wanker Thranduil,

It's deja vu all over again! Unless I've forgotten something, I'm pretty sure I wrote this same letter to your idiot father. And we all know I never forget correspondance.

But, yeah, the Dear Hippie one is good, too!


elaur September 6 2005, 20:41:02 UTC
Hooray for the Serenity crew! Did Nathan Fillion act like a clown? *wants to eat him up*

As for TORN, in perseph2hades's words, they are a bunch of "pretentious assholes."

But it looks like you had a world of fun! Aren't these things great?


circestale September 6 2005, 21:16:16 UTC
Captain Tightpants canceled. WAH! It ended up being Jewel, Morena (hot-hot-hot), Adam, and Ron. And, man, did they ever talk trash about Nathan since he wasn't there. *grin* But in a loving way, of course.

*nods* Yes, I think that is a perfect encapsulation of what was going on. At first I thought it was just the one person on the panel, but then I realized it was an institutional bias.

I love these things! No where else could I see a Legolas costumer during afterhours dressed in Hawaiian shirt and big floppy straw hat. And, since he had not removed his Legolas braids, it was like Legolas goes to the beach!


stewardess September 6 2005, 20:58:37 UTC
Heh. I learned about fanfiction when someone put it down in the TORN messageboards.


P.S. Their messageboards are [technically speaking] the worst on earth. They don't archive messages, so everything drops off within days, so of course newbies ask the same things over and over and over. And are put down for doing so. I gave up on TORN because they tried to convince their members that the messageboards were GREAT. As a person with a messageboard with over 150,000 easily searchable posts, I found their excuses pathetic.

P.P.S. Actually, the most repulsive thing about TORN is that they are now getting on the Narnia bandwagon. They must be worried about their cash flow, now that all the LotR movies are out.


circestale September 6 2005, 21:10:37 UTC
What's that old reverse psychology axiom? I guess, then, that TORN has no one but themselves to blame for the proliferation of fanfic.

They've jumped on the King Kong bandwagon, too. They hosted a panel that was supposed to be sneak peeks of Kong, but turned out to be nothing but a guy showing stuff from their Kong Is King site.


stewardess September 6 2005, 21:15:23 UTC
King Kong! Of course!

*makes monkey noises*



circestale September 6 2005, 21:17:38 UTC
All I could think about through the whole panel was Chopper. *g*


maggiehoneybite September 6 2005, 23:26:30 UTC
My absolute favorite costume of the weekend was this woman's, based on traditional Chinese opera costumes:

Oh, wow. That's an amazing costume.

Fanfiction is also verboten at the DCon Tolkien track, it would seem. The word was never said in the communities panel, even though I'm sure fanfiction makes up a majority of fandom activity.


as if the only reason to be in Tolkien fandom is to get married

Um... certainly not in this corner of the fandom.


circestale September 7 2005, 01:59:54 UTC
You should have been at the Harry Potter slash panel. ;> Niere dragged me to it, but it was interesting to be able to be in a room with about sixty people talking slash openly. However, I never, ever needed to know of the existence of Hagrid/Dobby.


spacebee September 7 2005, 02:37:36 UTC
I dragged you?! Fibber! *hee* But yes, I realise you weren't anxious to think about Snupin, you poor girl.

*shudder* Between John Noble's Howard Shore and Billy Boyd appreciation comments and the Hagrid/Dobby thing, I'm going to require so much brain bleach it's not funny.


circestale September 7 2005, 02:57:38 UTC
I will never be able to listen to LotR music again without suffering symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.


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