Title: DOM n lijs baby gurl
Author: [Lotrips Fanfic Writer]
Fandom: Lotrips
Rating: PG-13
MST Rating: Wooden like lij and DOM's winged puppet babies and the author's head.
MiSTed by: Mistwriter
[Lotrips Fanfic Writer]
What the only one ever? She's fucking prolific.
DOM n lijs baby gurl
OK I'm guessing that the writer is in remedial English at her Jr. High?
i dont own them but i do own the baby so dont steel her k?
Can I bronze her instead? *busts up over her own wit*
DOM and lijah wure in luv and so they got married
Because really two guys getting married is just a matter of them being in luv.
(a/n isnt that so sweet? ^^).
Um ... Not So Much.
lij weers a bewtiful pink skirt
What, so Chartreuse is pink these days?
(a/n liike the one i have!!)
I'd say that's an astounding coincidence but I'm thinking not.
and one day lij found out he waz like pregnant with DOM's babys.
Oh I see! The pink shirt was all symbolic of how Elijah -- pardon me -- how lij is the girl of the pairing. Wow that's so deep.
"OMGDOM!"lijah screemed.
Gee, I wonder who wrote this?
"Im like pregnant with yer littel wooden winged babys!""
There are so many things wrong with this, that I'll just say that if I never see another story where one of the guys is pregnant with winged puppets it'll still be too soon.
(a/n i wanted them to have puppet babys cuz puppets are so cool lolz)
Except for the part where they're not cool at all.
and DOM was rilly happy cuz HE WAZ GONNA BE A DAD!!!
I'll just be rilly happy when this fic is over and I can bleach my eyeballs.
"omglij! i luv u so much!!" DOM cryed.
I can relate; I've cried over this fic too.
"what r we gonna call her??" i wann name her Catherine Euthenasia Amythyst Purl!!"
Patron saint of knitters who need to be put out of their misery.
lij screemed. "omg thats so bewtiful!!"DOM responded."shes gonna have pretty wings liike her mommy!!"
(a/n lij has purple canary wings, k?)
It's neither "k" nor OK or even okay.
and a rilly long time passed and then lij felt some terrible pain!
Wow and the gold medal for the most impressive leap of time all in the same sentence goes to [Lotrips Fanfic Writer].
"omg DOM i think the babys gonna come!!"
No. I can't. I just won't. Really I won't go there.
and he pushed and the baby came out and she was bewtiful wit long brown hare and purple eyez and riilly red lips!
What, there was a rabbit in with the baby? Will no one think of the bunnies? *cries*
and her wings were so bewtiful that DOM cryed.
Unlike myself, who cried because this fic is so ugly.
"now we can put on the puppet show lolz!!!" lij screemed
Yeah because the first thing any new parent does is figure out how they can amuse themselves and others with their offspring.
(a/n they didnt have the princess puppet for ther show!!!lolz1!!)
She's lolzing and yet I feel so hollow right now.
"i luv u soooo much lij!!!"DOM sed and lij cryed agan.then he terned into a bewtiful gurl and DOM luved her to.
How did "DOM" even notice that "lij" turned into a "gurl"? I mean what with "lij" being so butch at the beginning of the story and all.
the END!!!(a/n i like happy endins!!)
The only thing happy about this ending is that the story's done.
PLEEZ R+R!!!11!! i think i'm gonna write more storyz like this but im not gonna if i don't get lots of reviews!!!111
*prepares to attack anyone who gives her a good review with a rusty spork*