3lilchicks, I was wondering if you received the journal that I sent you? I think it was supposed to arrive last tuesday so something's clearly gone wrong if it didn't. Could you let me know? Thanks :)
Got Firefly71's journal in the mail today! It's really cool! It's going to be great to see all the different styles that everyone uses. Mine is pretty much "glue stuff to the page and add stickers" but maybe I'll be more experienced by the end! I even figured out how to post this here, instead of in my journal! LOL! :):) Kristi
I received Cashely2598's journal in the mail!! It is absolutely beautiful - and I can't wait to start on it! I posted this in the forums too - but just in case - Shannon, would you like me to take pictures for the forums' album? Let me know!
I received kaffy's beautiful journal today, and will be mailing mine out this afternoon. As soon as I give in to regular society and change out of my PJs that is ;)
How are the journals coming along? I have finished my title page & almost done w/ my sign in page. SO far so good. How are the rest of you doing? I hope to have mine out by the middle of the month. Hope everyone has a great day! What is left anyway :)