I really cant wait for this weekend. This ghost town leaves me so lonely, Toronto should be alot of fun, playing music for everyone should be alot of fun. I really to want to put to much pressure on the fact that someone I like is going to be there, I know how that turns out. More practicing today. Lots more.
Playing Toronto next weekend at Alejs party, Im encredibly stoked. I want to do a show during christmas break here in town all acoustic, it would really be something. I've got some good friends intrested who rock the socks on their acoustics. We'll see about that a little further down the line. I guess I'm going to have to start looking into a
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Toronto Indie Magazine is putting my song Last Hours Together up on their myspace. FUCK YES http://www.myspace.com/torontoindie keep checking over the next week or so until its up there!
1. Open a music player. 2. Go to 'all music'/'library'. 3. Hit shuffle/repeat/randomise. 4. Find photos of the first 10 artists/bands that come up [no repeats and no cheating]. 5. Have people guess who the artists/bands are.