That's right! Commence your posting positions! Circle of Betrayal is now OPEN and in progress!
I believe that everyone has a partner to work with in this RP. Don't forget to flaunt the place! It won't get more members without people whoring advertizing it! Remember, canon is our motto, but do whatever the heck you want in the chatrooms.
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Comments 21
Post contact info here? Yes? :D
AIM: broknbutterfly45 (usually online from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eastern Pacific time)
Yahoo: ragin_wolverine (I never use this one, so I'll only get on it if that's the only possible method of contact for you.)
MSN: (same applies here as for the yahoo one)
Yahoo: fear_the_raven_flair
AIM: phoenixseagaia
I am contactable most of the time but with the time difference for most of you be aware that I will be at work most likely when you need me. (Is running on +9 GMT atm)
A couple of warnings
1. If I am at work I wont be able to reply asap specially Mondays cause it gets really busy but I will reply
2. If you have to use AIM I can log onto Meebo while from work.
3. If you are adding me if possible let me know in advance or get Sakura-chan to let me know or else I will most likely not accept you.
*cute puppy face* Don't get thrown off by my work schedule. If needed message me I don't bite hard
^-^ *t'is kisa-chan*
:) May I add you on MSN(and aim)?
AIM: lotusdragon27 or white_moon_iris
If you want to rp, just im me or email me; we can do it over AIM or through Googledocs. I like Googledocs a lot :3
I'm on Eastern Standard Time; usually online from 6PM to 11PM or 12AM.
AIM: xraverbunnyx
Yahoo: spell_caster_2817
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