Unbeknownst to the ancient astrologers, the Earth continually wobbles around its axis in a 25,800-year cycle. This wobble-called precession-is caused by the gravitational attraction of the Moon on Earth's equatorial bulge
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"This issue is not about cheating(election) anymore. This is not about stealing votes anymore. The issue is about a vast injustice inflected on the people. They've put a baton in the hand of every 13-14 year old to smash the faces of "the bunches who are less than dirt" (government is calling the people who are uprising dried-up torn and weeds
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I don't go back to college until January. So much time, nothing to do.
I had to stop reading On The Road. It made me too goddamn envious. I think I just need to read some Murakami and find the boy I worked with last summer who recommended Hardboiled Wonderland.