Vegan is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.
Dollar Dayz.
We were badass and stole brand X cola from a random cooler.
Community Dayz:
I didn't get my firetruck ride. Damnit. I was bored and took pictures of water and lights. Basically I just kept taking pictures without the flash and moving my camera a lot. Now that's art.
Annie and Jacky Funday:
Only a Jew could make a business suit look this good.
We went to Ollie's and I came to the conclusion that I have to marry him. Seriously.
Annie was overjoyed at finding a Simpson's fleece. We marveled at the bargains.
Oh man, Doctor Ruth. I'd plug her.
Then we went to the mall and chased down Mr. Rawlins. I told him I had a present for him, but he just walked away when I showed him the supportive underwear I had bought at Ollie's. So I put them on his car. I wish I could have stuck around to see his wife's face.
So I've been in a rather shitty mood lately. I've been sitting at home wallowing in self-pity a lot. I'm confused and depressed. It's pretty awesome.
I had a dream a few nights ago that Emma grabbed me and made out with me. It was hawt.
Last night I had dreams about getting hurt and dying and stuff. Do let me elaborate. I was at a Phish concert and I somehow got my fingers cut off at the knuckles. Then a snake mauled me. I was constantly bleeding and begging for help but no one seemed to care. Then I was signing a yearbook for some reason...and the grass under me turned to snow then to ice...and I fell through and couldn't swim to the top. I don't know what it means, I just know it reflected how I was feeling when I went to sleep: helpless, and alone.