What shots? Don't get anything you absolutely dont have to-- and ask for a thimerosol free vaccine, for whatever you DO have to get (eventhough thats not mugh better, as you are trading in the mercury for aluminum) We're poisoning ourselves. (A girl 18 years old just died of--- guess what? bacterial meningitis!! Just after her vaccine!!! Please dont get that, esp as its only "recommended")
grah!! meep!!! not good!!! Im actually worried bc I will be around thousands of kids who have gotten that vaccine--- living with them and all that. Thanks for responding, though. Do I seem insane when I say that shit? I swear very few people respond as I think they should--- at least with even a bit of casual interest... as, you know, its only OUR BODIES' WELFARE we're talking about.
yeah no meningitis would be the shot i got, and for my school it isn't "recommended" it's what we like to call "required", so i had too. besides my body's welfare has never been a huge concern of mine :D
Grah that sucks! Yeah we have to get a shot.. tetanus I think... UNCG is being bitchy about it. My mom was thinking about getting thimerosol free, but now I think she is contemplating getting one of our doctor friends to just say we were given that vaccine. Hooray for my rebel parents. Ha, yeah I suppose your whole bone breaking thing may be evidence that you arent the one to nag about this. Anyways I hope youre doing well. Care to do soemthing sometime?
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