It was a busy November, and December's shaping up to be more of the same. It seems everythings planned...
Last weekend was good. Friday I wanted to check out Mark's play, but had the wrong theater, so I went with a buddy to First Friday. Gave him some great news about the girl he's interested in (she broke up with her guy, the Australian I had been interested in) and made his weekend. Irony: Mr. Australia texted me an invite to a nightclub while I was out. Irony! I love it!
Saturday morning I got some chores done, afternoon was...uhhh...ballroom dance. Went out with Danika and Mike to the Freakin' Frog...they have Uerige! That's a small but well-known Duesseldorf brewery, they don't distribute nationwide in Germany, so to find it in the States, amazing! For $18 f*ing bucks, it damn well better be! But at least I know where to get my Alt fix, and to order a Diebels next time ($6, much more affordable). The Frog has a beer menu with over 400 kinds of beer. It rocks.
Sunday morning was a ribbon cutting and breakfast that I took my Lil Sis to, a charity event for foster kids. Symphony concert, which I thought would be right after, was at 2 pm! I had plans to see my guy at 2 to go hiking, had to adjust. As it was, we stayed for the first half, trucked over to my guy's, got wine, cheese, had black forest ham and French cheese, then yummy grilled chicken, and watched "Snatch." Stop giggling. :P
Monday morning worked out before work, got into a fender bender on the way to work. Damn bitches turned right on red into the f*ing middle lane!! I couldn't stop in time, but it was only scratches and they had to get to work. Just annoying. The middle lane!!! Grrr.
Tuesday was the company Christmas party. My first Christmas party at a company ever! I even won a wine gift basket. Couldn't have been more appropriate.
Tomorrow is our Young Professionals holiday mixer (, which will rock. I have at least 3 hikers coming, woot! We're at the Living Room at Planet Hollywood, which hasn't opened to the public yet. We rock! < Insert head-banging here >
Friday is a campout for Danika's birthday and graduation, looking for the meteor shower. Saturday night is the cookie exchange. Sunday...there's something, I just don't remember what. Probably a hike.
Next Saturday is cookie mania at Mom's, Big Brothers Big Sisters Christmas party, and a moonlight hike. Next Friday, a special hike with Alan, which will be nice. Sunday...not sure.
...and then freakin' Christmas! Aaargh!! Haven't gotten all the gifts I should yet. Oops. Sorry Illinoisians, they'll be late.