Dear god yesterday was miserable. Except for a few hours here and there, I was groggy all day. And my naps weren't as refreshing as I think they should have been. Hopefully, my accumulating sleep debt will encourage my body to do something more useful with those 20-minute spans.
I discovered something interesting as I was playing around with sound files last night, and that's that LAME, the open-source MP3 encoder, is very efficient at encoding periods of silence into an MP3. So I made another sleep track, much like the one I use for my naps. Only, in between the going-to-sleep sounds (a
binaural beat that cycles from 15Hz down to 5Hz to encourage my brain to slow down and prepare for sleep) and the wake-up sounds (a binaural beat cycling back up to 15Hz, as well as various alarm-type sounds: chickens clucking, roosters crowing, music, etc.), instead of 20 minutes of white noise, there are 3 hours of silence. The size? It weighs in at 16MB for the 3-hour long track. That's pretty impressive, I think. And, better, it wakes me up much more pleasantly than the alarm clock... though, of course, I keep the alarm set, just in case I decide not to wake up to the MP3.
It worked this morning, though, at least. I woke up after my 3 hours, but I wasn't scrambling desperately to silence the sudden alarm bells. So that's nicer.
Still, though, I do feel fairly sleepy today, but I expect that not to last.