A survey thats just too long

Feb 17, 2004 00:59

1. Name: Robert Steven Peterson
2. Birthday: September 30th
3. Location: Blacksburg
4. Where else have you lived: Fredericksburg/VA, Nashiville/TN, Springfield/IL, Des Moines/IA
5. School/mascot/colors: VA Tech/Hokie bird/Chicago maroon and Burnt orange
6. Zodiac sign: Libra
7. Shoe size: 13-14, depending on brand
8. Height: 6'0"
9. Weight: 230ish
10. Pets: Chrissy (cat)
11. Siblings: Clint(30)
12. Eye color: Blue
13. Hair color: Brown
14. Hair lenth: Just got it cut, so not long at all
15. Ever dyed your hair?: No
16. What color?: n/a
17. Grade: Sophomore in College
18. Are you good in school?: Yes
20. Nicknames: Rob
22. Do you play sports? Football, Basketball, used to play soccer and baseball. I could go for some kickball right now
23. Where were you born? Des Moines, IA
24. Are you a night or a morning person? Night
25. Are you ticklish? Not much
26. Do you believe in Mr T? The guy who wants me to dial 10-10-220?
27. What's your screen name?: Eh, you should have it if you're reading this
28. Any others?: nah, no need
29. Do you have braces?: I had them once, yes
30. Do you have glasses/ contacts?: Contacts

Getting Personal
31. What do you want to be when you grow up? be myself, be successful, be a family man
32. What was the worst day of your life? I don't think I have anything that quite rates up on that
34. What has been the best day of your life? The day I met Michelle
35. What comes first in your life? Getting everyone through it with me I guess.
36. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? Yes
37. What are you most scared of?: Losing people I care about
38. If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them?: On the test keys
39. What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: I don't think, if I think, I can't sleep, and then I just suck the next day
41. If you could be anything without consequences, what would you be?: hmm...an angel perhaps, without the consequence of being well...not human and all. Just help people and have all sorts of glowies, I don't know

42. Movie: Spaceballs
43. Song: Not sure, depends on the time
44. Band/group: No clue really
45. Store: Best Buy
46. Relative: well, assuming not my immediate family, I'd say my Aunt Susan
47. Sport: Football
48. Vacation spot: beaches
49. Ice cream flavor: cookie dough
50. Fruit: pear
51. Candy: whatchamacalits are awesome
52. Car: That I can afford (someday) would be a Lexus IS300
53. Class: I have no fun classes, although I didn't mind wiring that microprocessor, that was kind of fun
54. Holiday: Christmas
55. Day of the week: Saturday
56. Color: Blue
57. Magazine: Popular Science
58. Name for a girl: Michelle
59. Name for a boy: Travis
60. Sports team: Hokies!
61: Month: Weather in September is nice usually
62. Man athlete: no clue
63. Female athlete: even less of a clue
64. Actress: None of them really catch my eye for acting
65. Actor: Ian McKellen in Lord of the Rings and X-men does a wonderful job
66. Tv show: Most Extreme Elimination
67. Web site: www.ign.com, www.tomshardware.com, www.ebay.com, www.fark.com
68. Animal: cat
69. E-mail buddy: emails too slow..Ludicrious Speed, Ludicrious Speed GO!
70. Joke: Best are told about what is happening right around you
71. Saying: don't have one that I know of
72. Word: don't have one of these either
75. Room in your house: I live in a dorm...we have one room
76. Concert you have been to: Warped Tour was fun
79. Salad: Caesar
80. Meat: Medium-well steak, best when its half off with Michelle at Outback
81. Pizza topping: Pepperoni
82: State: Colorado, as long as you don't have to drive anywhere
83. City: Rome
87. Smell: Steak cooking
90. Feeling: sex
91. College: Virginia Tech
92. Number: 3
93. Book: Lord of the Rings really impressed me
97. Cereal: Crunch Berries

Not So Favorite
98. Car: PT Cruisers and the Aztec thing which looks like a obese CRX
99. Color: yellow
102. Day of the week and why: Monday because you are working, and your weekend is so far away
103. Holiday: Casmir Paulaski Day, (Illinois state holiday)
105. Month: July, its so hot....so very hot...
106. Sport: baseball....so slow...so very slow
108. Male athlete: eh, don't pay attention to their names
110. Movie: I've seen some painful ones in my day...I've blocked their names from memory mostly. Mostly old people movies just kill me
111. Actress: don't care
112. Actor: don't care
113. T.V. Show: Big O,
114. Web site: www.goatse.cx
115. Food: nato, fermented soybeans in a mustard sauce
116. Drink: bowmans is awful straight
117. Band: country twang crap kills me
118. Male singer: Names of these people aren't worth knowing
119. Female singer: Names of these people aren't worth knowing
120. Animal: snakes, leeches
121. Store: Fabric stores are terrible
123. E-mail buddy: no one emails anymore
125. Saying: "whatever"
128. Radio station: I'm in radio hell, a.k.a. Blacksburg, pick a station
129. Room in your house: again, the dorm situation
132. President: Eh, they do their job
134. Meat: Squirrel
135. Pizza topping: black olives
140. Place to be: Taking a test in Liton Reeves 1670...nothing to write on
141. Smell: puke
142. Sound: fire alarm room alarm death noise
144. Feeling: ill/dead
145. Letter: F
146: Thing people do online: Not typing a whole three letter word out. UR So K3wl, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
147. Book: ever try to read these calculus books? ouch
151. Cereal: the no sugar wheat stuff thats like cardboard

In The Past 24 Hours Have You..
152. Had a serious talk? yes
153. Hugged someone? yes
154. Fought with a friend? no
155. Cried? No
156. Laughed? yes
157. Made someone laugh? yes
158. Bought something? food
159. Flirted with someone? no
160. Felt stupid? no
161 Talked to someone you love? yes
162. Missed someone? yes

Have You Ever
163. Done drugs? no
164. Eaten an entire box of oreos? yes
165. Been dumped? no
166. Had someone be unfaithful to you? no
167. Watched punky brewster? Way back when I think so
169. Stayed home on saturday night, just because? Yeah, sometimes you are just burnt out on the weekend
170. Been in love? yes
171. Seen the white house? yes, and been inside
172. Seen the Eiffel tower? nope
173. Tried smoking cigarettes? I've done a cigar
174. Drank alcohol? yes
176. Played monopoly? yes
179. Kissed someone? yes
180. French kissed someone? yes
181. Lost your virginity? yes
182. Tried a weight loss program? no
183. Jumped on a trampoline? yes
185. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? Not that I can recall
186. Had a bubble bath? No
187. Been on a plane? Yes
188. Been on a boat? Yes
189. Been on a train? yes.
190. Been in a car accident? no
191. Ridden an elephant? Yes
192. Made a web page? Yes
193. Played with barbies? No
194. Stayed up all night? Several times
195. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? Yes
196. Broken a bone? nope
197. Called a physchic or sex hotline? nope
198. Watched Jerry springer? yes
199. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? yes
200. Been afraid of the dark? no
201. Been in the hospital(not visiting)? no
202. Had stitches? yes
203. Dumped someone and regretted it? no
204. Went out with more than one person at a time? no
205. Lied? sure
206. Been arrested? no
207. Fallen asleep in class? You would too if you had Fitzpatrick as a teacher
208. Used food for something other than to eat? thrown it and made gingerbread houses
209. Met a celebrity? Yes
210. Broken the law? sure
211. Skipped class? yes
212. Hated yourself? yes
213. Been brokenhearted? Yes
214. Broken someone's heart? not that I know of
215. Wanted to kill someone? not really
216. Fallen off a chair? Yes
217. Lap danced? No
218. Been in a fist fight? once
219. Been in a cat fight? I'm confused

Do You
220. Like to give hugs? To Michelle, yes
221. Like to walk in the rain? If I hate nowhere to go
222. Sleep with or without clothes on? Without with fleece blanket
223. Prefer black or blue pens? black
224. Dress up on halloween? Depends where I'm going
225. Have a job? during summer
227. Like someone? Michelle especially
228. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? side/tummy
229. Think youre attractive? No
230. Want to marry? Yes
231. Have a goldfish? My Beta died ;_;
232. Ever have the falling dream? no
233. Have stuffed animals? yes, my stuffed hokie

235. Do you belive in the horoscopes: no
236. Do you like your handwriting: Its legible
237. If you could be anybody, who would you be and why?: myself, life is pretty good
238. What superhero would you be: Nightcrawler was always awesome, teleport anywhere, woo
239. Do you have any piercings: no
240. Any tattoos: No
241. If so where: --
242. If not, where and what do you want: none
243. Are you picky: not really
244. What makes you cry: pain
255. What makes you mad: myself
246. What do you think of Bush: He's President, not too intelligent either, I just want an intelligent charismatic President
248. Do you like cartoons: yep, adult swim is awesome
249. Do you believe in the devil: sure
251. What did you do today: went to class, ate, played games
253. Do you even have a job you lazy bum: over summers
254. Are your parents annoying? Not usually
255. Do you own a miniskirt: no
256. Do you floss: once a day usually
257. What is the farthest your have traveled: Europe
259. What kind of shampoo do you use: whatever I have
260. What about conditioner: 2 in 1 baby
261. Do you use big words to sound smart: Not intenionally
262. When you get mad, do you swear a lot: Not usually
263. Got milk: I love milk, I could drink gallons at a time
264. Do you have a magic 8 ball: I did, then it got bubbles
265. Name something that comes in threes: shaver refills
266. Ever worn black nail polish: no
267. Do you have hairy arms: sort of
268. How many sheets are on your bed: 2
269. Whats under your bed: boxes
270. Do you have your own tv and vcr: yes
271. Do you believe in faith: yes
272. Do you see dead people: no
273. Are you a good speller: offline I am
276. Do you like little kids: no, darn little brats
277. Are you talented: Not that I know of
278. If so, how: -
280. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacations: yes
282. Ever seen a ghost: no

What Do You Think About
285. Abortion: Whats wrong with adoption?
286. Bill Clinton: Ex-President
287. Smoking: is awful
288. Eating disorders: not really a guy problem
289. Rap: I believe you forgot the preceeding C
291. Suicide: bad
292. South park: has its moments, generally pretty good
295. Piercing: not keen on them
296. Make-up: Less is more
297. Drinking: can be fun with your group

What Do You think When You Hear This Name:
300. Jennifer: girl
301. Leah: Star Wars
302. Meghan: girl
303. Brandon: boy
304. Christina: Aguilera
305. Angela: girl
306. Courtney: Love
307. Jeff: Guy I was friends with back in elementry school
310. Ryan: this one really really really little kid back in Junior High
311. Lauren: Girl from JLA
312. Derek: King, from high school, used to call him Dairy Queen
313. Lisa: Richardson, goes to this school, I never talk to her anymore though
315. Matt: old neighbor who goes to Penn state now
316. Holly: Christmas decoration
317. Jackie: Chan
318. Kat: no clue
320. Joseph: my roommate
322. Patrick: Thorpe, from high school, not exactly good people
323. Erin: Matt's girlfriend who goes to VCU

Which Way Would You Spell It
374. Megan or meghan: Megan
375. Lacey or lacy: Lacey
376. Steven or stephen: Steven
377. Kurt or curt: Kurt
379. Mark or marc: Mark
380. Brandi or brandy: Brandy
381. Eric or erik: Eric
382. Corrine or carine: Corrine
383. Kari or carrie: Carrie
384. Jackie or jackqui: Jackie.
385. Deseray or desirae: Desirae.
386. Jayde or jade: Jade.
387. Amy or aimee: Amy.
388. Bradi or brady: Brady.
389. Chelsea or chelsey: Chelsea.
391. Ashley or ashleigh: Ashley
392. Geoffrey or jeffrey: Jeffrey.

This or That
396. Pierced nose or tongue? Don't like either
397. Be serious or funny? Both.
398. Single or taken? Taken
401. Mtv or vh1? don't watch either
402. 7th heaven or dawson's creek? never seen them
403. Sugar or salt? Sugar
404. Silver or gold? silver
405. Tongue or belly button ring? neither, both are awful
406. Chocolate or flowers? chocolate
408. Color or black-and-white photos? color
409. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
410. M&m?s or skittles? M&M's because after awhile skittles hurt
411. Rap or rock? rock
412. Stay up late or sleep in? stay up late then sleep in
415. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? short
416. Sun or moon? moon
417. What time is it? 2:21 AM
418. Diamond or ruby? Ruby
419. Left or right? Right
423. Cat or dog? cat
425. Mustard or ketchup? mustard
426. Newspaper or magazine? magazine
427. Spring or fall? fall
431. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? friendship
432. Happy or sad? happy
433. Corduroy or plaid? Corduroy
435. Sneakers or sandals? sneakers
437. Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes
439. Lights on or off? off
440. Duct tape or scotch tape? Duct
443. Pepsi or coke? Pepsi
444. Nike or adidas? Nike
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